David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday 18 May 2024

Scenes of Desperate Fighting at Greenacres Farmstead

For Phil's most recent session on Tuesday here in GHQ we had fixed on a visit to the AWI collection, as it had not enjoyed a recent airing. I entered the game with no real expectations of victory, being on a run of mostly defeats so far this year. As usual now then an anotated photomontage to carry you in to the unfolding drama of some desperate fighting at Greenacres Farmstead ~

The Rebellious Colonist's forces are commanded by the veteran Ol' Independence or Death Bykleigh while the Loyalists and Hessians are lead by Lord Rawnsley. Having the initiative Bykleigh sends his Mountain Men forward in advance of his main force to slow the enemy's approach.

The Fourth and Eighth Virginia Continentals along with the New Jersey Blues advance behind the Mountain Men, their left flank covered by a small brigade of Militia.
Rawnsley's Loyalists are slow to move off but Butler's Rangers have reached the lane and take post behind the split rail fence. On their right the Volunteers of Ireland lead the King's Orange Rangers and Loyalist Militia forward.
Von Robensahn's Hessians are hesitant. Perhaps somehow the Paymaster General omitted to forward the necessaries?
Battle lines are finally being formed in preparation for the main event getting underway! It seems the Hessians were paid after all!
The Hessians shake out into line facing the Continentals, who are still screened by those Mountain Men. The main action is underway after a considerable delay for both sides.
Von Robensahn's Hessians make a daunting sight for the Continentals, who might lack their enemy's experience but make up for that in patriotic determination.
Bykleigh's Continentals advance with grim determination and deliver a crashing close range volley into Von Robensahn's men. Morale is everything and the volley shakes the resolve of several units.
Around the Greenacres Farmstead the Volunteers of Ireland and their supports have pressed forward to close with the Militias who are taking some cover behind the fence line.
All along the centre and right volleys of musketry crash out. Men fall, morale is tested, but the lines are both holding fast. Strangely though on the far flank neither Brigade commander wants to make the first move and risk exposing his army's flank.
The Continentals trade fire with the Hessians without any side having caused decisive casualties! Neither side will fall back in the face of their foes!
The 3rd Maryland march to support the Militia who are facing a determined attack from Loyalists.
Finally the morale of one Hessian unit fails and they flee to the rear. With a further battalion Shaken it seems the momentum may be swinging behind Bykleigh.
Galling fire from the Militias, supported by elements of Lee's Legion drive back the Loyalists at a vital moment.
The Grenadiers von Raal are broken by the weight of casualties suffered and flee the field. Von Robensahn's Hessians are on the verge of defeat!
The opportunity to press forward cannot be passed over. The Virginia Continentals dress their lines and advance on the remnants of Von Robensahn's command!
It is all too much for the mercenaries and with collapsing morale they flee the field. With his right beaten, centre driven back and right imobile Lord Rawnsley conceded the victory to Ol' Independence or Death Bykleigh. 
A grand Black Powder 2 game full of twists and turns which we both enjoyed as ever. All up for Phil in Turn 7, mainly as a consequence of a run of very poor Command, Firing and Morale dice scores. Anyway, he's off in Cornwall for a week's R&R and I am off to Partizan tomorrow (DV)!!! 


  1. Splendid action there David and once my new wargames room is finished, I look forward to getting some BPII games in. I'm off to Partizan tomorrow, so maybe I'll bump into you and some other Bloggers...

    1. Hope our paths will cross! Looking forward to seeing how your games room evolves.

  2. Damn those Hessians again, I really don't know why we neglect to pay them so well.

    1. Well it beats blaming those 'Dice Gods' at any rate

  3. A grand looking game David…And a victory to boot.
    I shall look out for you at Partizan tomorrow…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly! Hope to catch up with you at 'The Jewel in the Crown' of wargames shows!

  4. Super looking game, the AWI is a great one to collect and game, great stuff!!

  5. Excellent AWI eye candy, thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks Willz! Painted all those Spencer Smith's yet?

  6. Splendid looking battle David, I too need to get the AWI on the table ?

    1. Looking forward to seeing your collection in action!

  7. A grand spectacle as always... GHQ never disappoints, and this is no exception! Lovely looking game, and well played!

  8. Great looking game as usual - i'm jealous as you have so many!

    1. Many thanks, but don't be jealous, it's merely a sign of how I've wasted so much time on trivia on my life.
