David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Friday 16 February 2024

The Valley Campaign...

...opened for its second year when Phil and I sat down here in GHQ for our weekly game. We both enjoyed the series of linked ACW games last year and agreed to try a second year and follow the unfolding tale of rivalry between Union Brigadier General Useless S Bykleigh and his nemesis Confederate Major General P.J. Robinson! The opening battle is an encounter between the two forces feeling their way to cross an engorged stream. As the Union fared badly in last year's conflicts they start the game with one Brigade in the rear, not able to enter the game until Turn 6, the halfway point in our 12 Turn game. On the front foot the Rebs start 12" in from their table edge. As usual now an annotated photo montage to carry you down into the unfolding action in The Valley...

On the Rebs' left a large Brigade of North Carolina infantry led by Jubal E Bykleigh, a turncoat if ever there was one!
In their centre two small brigades from Virginia and South Carolina.
On the Rebs' right two more small brigades from Louisiana and Georgia lead by another turncoat, Jonah Jeremiah Bykleigh!
On the Union's left flank a brigade from Wisconsin supported by two large regiments of Regulars.
In the Union's centre massed batteries of rifled artillery and a small Union Brigade from New York screened by the 1st US Sharpshooters.
Both sides advance on the stream in an attempt to cross over to the other side and blunt their opponent's movement. As you see, both fell short in the centre and a prolonged firefight breaks out.
On the Rebs' right the Louisiana brigade reaches the bridge and blocks off the Union left flank. Another prolonged firefight erupts here!
The Virginia brigade takes post behind the fence line and, you guessed it, another firefight begins with the New Yorkers!
The Union advance is halted all along it's front as both sides take losses in the ensuing turns of firing. The North Carolina brigade is ominously advancing on the Union's right-hand brigade. Still no sign of those much needed reserves.
The US Sharpshooters exploit a gap in the Rebs' centre and push across the stream. They are halted by enemy fire but hold their ground tenaciously.
Disorder prevents them being supported and they are exposed to withering fire from the Rebs! Unsurprisingly as losses mount they are Whipped and flee to the rear!
Reb artillery comes into action firing on the New Yorkers in support of the North Carolina brigade on their left.
Over on the Union left the firefight across the bridge is indecisive, both sides rallying casualties only to take more in the subsequent turns!
In the centre more Union troops have got across the stream but are halted by Rebel fire! Disorder prevents the bulge being exploited and PJ's boys hold on!
Finally, in Turn 8, the first of the Union's reserve brigade of New York troops finally arrives on the battlefield.
More New Yorkers are moving to the Union's right flank now hoping to turn the Rebs' left decisively...
The Union is pressing home it's attack on the Rebs' left as more troops cross the stream. The North Carolina boys are being pushed back slowly...
...when disaster, aka a Blunder, sees the Union's leading unit fall back two moves! The Tarheels have a breathing space!
Fighting continues to ebb and flow in the centre but neither side can deliver the telling blow!
A setback on the Union's left sees the regiment at the bridge finally beaten in the firefight as they flee along with the Brigade commander!
With their right holding the Rebs are pushing forward again in the centre. Unnerved by the Rebel Yell the New Yorkers' closing fire fails to halt the charging enemy!
They do enough though in the ensuing melee to hold their ground. The line may buckle but it does not break!
Darkness falls across the battlefield ( Turn 12 of course). Neither side has managed a victory in this first encounter of the year. Both armies fall back exhausted to plan their next move in the ongoing struggle to dominate The Valley.
Once again Black Powder delivered the uncertain ebb and flow of battle. As usual the figures are all Dixon Miniatures from my collection, the buildings scratch built or kitbashed, trees, stream and fences from The Last Valley.


  1. Nice sized action and table. Perhaps the Union can draw some comfort that things may be turning for them! Maybe not!

    I note on the Perry site that they have now expanded their Valour & Fortune rules (Napoleonic) to include two ACW lists, with more to come.

    1. I didn't loose, I'll take that in context of last year's campaign. As to V&F, I'll stick with BP2 here, getting too old to bother with new rules.

    2. Norm I spotted that too and I suspect we might give it a try out for a big battle sometime 👍

    3. Ah, the joys of youth...👴🏻

  2. A grand and challenging game to start the campaign season in the Valley. I agree on V&F having read them and watched games unfold on YouTube I don't feel the effort involved to learn them offers anything we don't get from BP.

  3. Lovely stuff David and a tough scenario for both sides, meeting at the river was inevitably going to mean a fire fight and a tough crossing of the river. Not easy in the face of the enemy !

    1. Got a foothold but just couldn't land the telling blow 🎲🎲🎲

  4. A beautiful table with inspiring figures.

  5. Lovely looking game and a cracking ACW collection, top notch!

  6. Fantastic looking table,and a very entertaining report.
    Looking forward to following the campaigns progress,this year.

    1. Thank you Andy, I hope you'll not be disappointed!

  7. A splended looking game indeed! That rebel yell (with an english accent) not quite loud enough this time! A hard fought game and no mistake! Thank you once again for sharing the enjoyment and action! Superb collection and table!

    1. Many thanks Paul, I hope you will enjoy your trip down The Valley later this month.

  8. Great to see these campaign kicking off once again David. Nice to see the Union chaps at least not losing and as always, a visual feast for us all to enjoy:).

    1. Glad you enjoyed the offering SteveJ. More later in the month hopefully.

  9. A cracking looking game David….
    The prolonged firefights probably reflected the reality of many ACW actions.
    At least you didn’t come second 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. You are right on both counts, I will take a draw over a defeat any day!
