David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday 19 February 2024

A Royal Artillery 9lb Battery

The most recent figures to have endured their time under the brush are two 9lb guns and crew for the Royal Artillery for my Crimean War project. They are all from Great War Miniatures, via North Star of course. I added one figure I'd saved from the British High Command pack, an officer with telescope, which I felt would help bring the battery to life. You can judge for yourself of course ~

I'm working on another British infantry regiment now, the 31st Huntingdonshire regiment, one base of which is already completed. This should complete the planned second Brigade for the First Division. Remaining in the infamous Lead Pimple amongst others are a regiment of Highlanders and a second battalion for the 1st, the Royal Scots. These will complete my truncated Highland Brigade. I had intended to add the Highland Light Infantry but have had a change of heart, mostly because I ordered the wrong flags sheet, but also because it seems they wore the earlier bell topped shako not the Albert one the figures have. Those figures will need to be redesignated in due course...


  1. A fine looking battery you have there Sir, I trust even that bounder Black Bottle Bill would have to concur.

    1. We will refrain from mentioning that person known as 3Bs if you don't mind. Thanks for encouraging comment, it's much appreciated.

  2. Fine, smart and well turned out chaps that obviously know how to handle their guns and so will give those damend Roosians a hard time I'm sure. The addition of the officer with a telescope is a nice touch:).

    1. Thank you SteveJ, ever dependable and ever welcome.

  3. The battery looks good. I've just completed one for the 1830s and was marvelling at how the uniform had changed appearance though basically the same blue faced red. Ah, the Bell topped shako - that's what I'm painting.
    You probably already know but Foundry do some nice infantry in their Opium Wars range, Perry have the Carlist Wars and Cape Wars figures, and if you want greatcoats, try Empress Miniatures 1st Afghan war.

    1. Thank you Stephen. The bell topped chaps are off the agenda for now, I've ordered up some French infantry instead.

  4. More fine recruits to the collection.
    I think the artillery is always a focal point of any tabletop army,and these are excellent.
    Looking forward to seeing some
    Frenchies painted up.

    1. Thanks Andy. I just heard that the French are in La Poste!

  5. Fine looking fellows David.
    It’s a very smart looking uniform… I imagine keeping it clean was a nightmare 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! 'Clean' a very modern concept I'd think on campaign?

  6. Another splended battery there to behold! Very nicely painted and presented! Looking foward very much to seeing the entire collection on table... it promises to be spectacular! Well done sir!

    1. Thank you Paul! We will give it a run out in March then.
