David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Saturday 22 July 2023

The Coldstream Guards join the Guards Brigade.

 The final figures to complete the third base of the Coldstream Guards have been finished and so here, without more waffle, are the second Guards regiment of the three which will make up the Guards Brigade ~

The figures are from Great War Miniatures via North Star, as are the flags, while the bases are from Warbases as ever. Now that two regiment are completed along with the Brigade Command stand I feel as if the project is properly underway. The third regiment of the Brigade, the Grenadier Guards, are not in the painting queue as yet. After some Roosian infantry I'll hope to finish the remaining bases of the Royal Scots, seen in an earlier blog entry of course. Meanwhile, here are the Guards on the tabletop battlefield here in GHQ ~

As I write this though the first Roosian infantry Battalion are under the brush and progressing at a decent rate. More on them in due course when I've at least a completed base of figures to show. Mind, there seems little interest in this project outside of folk I'm pleased to call friends and so this may become a bit of self indulgent recording. To balance that though, the Blogosphere seems rather quieter overall than it should be, even given that it's 'Summer' here in Blighty.


  1. The Guards look outstanding and I am following the project with great interest. Fascinated by the period.

    1. Many thanks Mark and welcome aboard GHQ.

  2. Well, I am following this project with great interest! This week sees Historicon in the USA. I wager a large number of American wargamers are otherwise occupied.

    1. Historicon, been there, done that, etc...

  3. A fine body of men.
    Nothing wrong with a bit of self indulgence every now and again

  4. Very finely turned out Sir, Her Majesty will be quite pleased.

  5. Another splendid regiment there David and those chaps should rather spiffing once the brigade is fully assembled:). Those Roosian fellows had better watch out I'd say!

    1. Many thanks SteveJ, Roosians underway now.

  6. Crackin looking troops David!

  7. Damn fine looking chaps David…
    What’s not to like about red coats and bearskins…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, only hope they can fight when the time comes.

  8. Very nice David. Things are quiet at the moment, but I did have plans to cut back.

    1. Plans? We all know what happens to them...

  9. The bearskins look fantastic, your brush is prolific at the moment :-) more rain today, so I think I will join you at the painting table.

    1. Thanks Norm, enjoy splashing paint about!

  10. Lovely looking Brigade ! David and turned out at a fair pace. I have been quiet ….just to many holidays. I will blog a bit of that in the next few days.

    1. Thanks Matt! When you first retire holidays loom large we found, then you come to realise it's one long holiday until you are ready for God's Waiting Room...

  11. Is it actualy summer Dave? I'm glad you told me otherwise I'd never of known!
    A wonderful parade there of fine-looking chaps... fit for a Queen I would say! nice to see the project coming along so well. Great work!

    1. It's progressing better than I hoped presently 🤞
