Wednesday, 15 January 2025

A Brief Encounter in the SYW

I felt well enough for us to play a smallish SYW game here in GHQ on Tuesday, with Phil leading the Allied army as Lord Rawnsley, in our first meeting since before Christmas! I put out about a half of my collection on a table top battlefield largely free of terrain features for a simple encounter game ~

Although Phil won the dice roll-off for the initiative his army showed little inclination to advance, his first infantry brigade order producing a Blunder! The Brigade advanced but one move though, his 6 being undermined by a 1 for the number of moves on the enemy. The French, lead by the largely incompetent Comte de Merde, on the contrary advanced with splendid Gallic elan, right onto the enemy's guns!
Volleys crashed out in the second Turn, as Lord Rawnsley steadied his men in the face of the intimidating French advance! Disorder resulted for the two leading French units, with one being flung back Shaken and exposing their supporting unit to further withering fire in the following turn.
Although the Grenadiers De France threw back their opponents, on their right flank another unit fared less well with a second Irish unit being Broken by a combination of Closing Fire and the bayonet in the ensuing Hand to Hand combat. 
Lord Rawnsley's right was held by a battery of 12lb guns supported by a rag tag of Hanoverian cavalry. Although his Lieb Garde were forced to retire his remaining units were able to first hold off and then repulse the Hussards de Bykli, their supporting Dragoons showing no inclination to come to their aid!
Despite more success in the centre the French found it impossible to capitalise significantly as Disorder gripped their leading units preventing rapid exploitation of opening gaps in the British lines.
Suddenly in Turn 5 we realised that both the French infantry Brigade's were Broken! With that realisation the Comte de Merde was obliged to quit the field, conceding the victory to Lord Rawnsley. In fact losses were about equal at this stage, but more concentrated for the French and rendering their army Broken. The French cavalry left much to be desired both in elan and in combat. The British infantry was Steady as you'd expect, absorbing losses across the board without loss of cohesion. French successes were notable for their failure to be exploited due to Disorder.
No complaints though, a thoroughly enjoyable start to the gaming year here in GHQ despite being given a thumping. On to Olaf's HQ next week all things being equal and a WWII game with Battlegroup.


  1. Yet again Black Powder yielded a cracking game providing a splendid narrative and an equally splendid write up photos by yourself to convey it all.

    1. Don't disappoint Black Powder, does it? Dice though on the other hand...well?

  2. A nice set too, must get my own boys out soon.

    1. Thank you George! Hope to see yours in action soon now!

  3. Replies
    1. Very kind Christopher, much appreciated.

  4. Good to see you getting the toys out on the table David…
    And very pretty they are too…

    All the best. Aly

    1. An important part of rehabilitation I've found!

  5. Cracking looking game and a hard fought ally victory, and you great to see a SYW battle, my favourite period for gaming and collecting.

    1. I'm pleased to have provided you with a boost in SYW goodness!

  6. Great to see your SYW chaps out on the table again David:). Really a favourite period of mine having been introduced to it many years ago by my good friend Keith Flint, who wrote the 'Honours of War' rules for the period.

    1. I'm gratified you enjoyed seeing our small SYW sojourn, nice to have our efforts appreciated. I've played HofW a few times but prefer Black Powder myself. Horses for courses, of course...

  7. A cracking start to the year, and the first spanking for the French! What more could one want?
    A good open field is fine for showing off such a wonderful collection. Well played gentlemen

  8. A wonderful collection on display David 👍
