Sunday, 19 January 2025

The Late(st) Romans

I've recently completed the last Roman unit for my Late Roman refurbishment project, all the venerable Perry sculpts from Wargames Foundry, some via Colonel Bill's (before he ditched shows!) and the rest from Foundry at The Other Partizan ~

The shield transfers are from the now defunct LBMS though they may one day be available again (come on Victrix, get your act together) and the bases from the ever reliable stalwarts at Warbases ~

I have several Saxon/Goth infantry still to do which will add two more unit bases to the army of Baldinus the Usurper or Gornalus. Without shield transfers being available - see previous moans above - they will languish in the Lead Pimple for now.

Instead I've started on some Garde Voltiguers for the Crimean War project, figures from Great War Miniatures via North Star of course. I must say that the larger and bolder sculpting is much more gentle on the old eyes and hand! More on these I'd hope in due course.


  1. Cracking looking unit, and lovely figures, they stand the test of time, I hope Victrix get their act together soon to allow you to crack on with the rest of the project. Must say I am looking forward to seeing the Garde Voltiguers when they are done.

    1. Thank you Donnie, your support is appreciated.

  2. Lovely looking unit there...fine work indeed! I love the variation in headgear. Let's hope the shield transfers come through soon!

  3. Splendid additions to the Roman ranks.

  4. Very nice indeed David…
    Hopefully the transfers will be available sooner rather than later…
    Although the Victrix own brand transfers seem to still be available… they do Goth , German and Early Saxon… I’m not sure how they would fit with Foundry shields though.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! Sadly the transfers I'd like are OOS!

  5. Great looking unit David! Let's hope Victrix resolves the issue soon.


  6. Nice bunch. Started on my own Romans David I might also get held up with transfers although A&A seem to carry the ones for their troops.

    1. Thank you George! My advice is to order now then, no faith in Victrix at all!

  7. A useful addition to the Empire. Why not paint the Goths and leave with plain shields which seems plausible - you can always add transfers later if they become available and meanwhile you've moved the figures from pending to participating in the conflict.

    1. Thanks Stephen! I'd like the remaining Saxons/Goths to match those I've already done, so I'll hang fire. No choice really though.

  8. Splendid work as always David and fingers crossed the transfers become available sooner rather than later. Just watching 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' at present, which is a great film and I can enjoy it more, now I know more about the War itself:).

    1. Not holding my breath re transfers! Just plodding on with Garde Voltiguers.

  9. Another lovely unit finished off David joining the ever growing army 👍 not sure the best advice for the shields as I have been keeping mine very simple and hand painted

    1. Thank you Matt! I will wait for the transfers, though I reserve the right to moan on about Victrix...😉
