Sunday, 12 January 2025

Tumbleweed here in GHQ?


Not a lot of action seen at either my painting desk or across the tabletop battlefield here in GHQ since the onset of the New Year and my bout of "There's a lot of it about!" Finally though things are moving towards what passes for normal here! I've picked up my brush a little more each day over the past few days and have progressed the last of my Late Roman legions, I'm over half way through them now so I'd hope to show them to you later next week. Games wise I'm less sure what's happening: I'm waiting to hear from Paul and Phil to see what their plans could be now I'm on the up.

Still no LBMS transfers news from Victrix, so my Saxons/Goths can't be processed next as I'd hoped to complete the Late Roman collection's refurbishment. In their stead I've sorted out a unit of Great War Miniatures French Voltiguers of the Guard for my Crimean War collection, which incidentally you might have seen featured in the latest addition of Wargames Illustrated. If there's still nothing on the transfer front by the time they are done then I've a unit of Dixon Miniatures Pennsylvania sharpshooters to add to the already overstaffed ACW collection! Mad, I know but I just fancied them! There are still two Confederate and one Union infantry regiments in the Lead Pimple too!!!! They've been there two years about I'd think...

I'd rather hoped to be painting more of Matt's Footsore Vikings too, but again the lack of shield transfers has pushed them, and the Dark Age Welsh, down the batting order! To finish though on a positive note I'm due over at Wargames Illustrated HQ on Thursday for a photoshoot of my Saga of Bicca Biccasson project. The pictures will I hope accompany a short piece I've had accepted about the project in a future issue, perhaps March or April given the lead in production times.


  1. Your painting station is really very tidy, unlike my own which is a total mess most of the time! Hopefully your transfers will arrive and let you finish the project, always a nuisance when you are waiting for something to arrive.

    1. Tidyness is one of my endearing/irritating character traits. Transfers can't come until I can order them, so Victrix need to up their game. I'm not holding my breath.

  2. Fingers crossed those shield transfers arrive soon David. Nice to see you painting desk, something which I aspire too one day, but shouldn't complain as I've only recently got a dedicated games room!

    1. See above re transfers. I can recommend a tidy painting desk! It's good for morale.

  3. That is a frighteningly tidy desk David… 🙀
    I think mine was like that…. Once.

    You have the same lights as me… They are handy aren’t they…

    Hopefully your transfers will arrive and you can get more of your toys ready for battle

    All the best. Aly

    1. See above re tidyness. Not surprised we have the same lights: great minds, age, experience etc😉

  4. We will hopefully disperse some of the tumbleweed tomorrow 🤞

    1. Yes, I hope we may. See you tomorrow morning.

  5. Hopefully the transfer situation gets sorted out and you do maintain a rather tidy painting area David!


    1. Thanks Christopher! See above re tidy desk.

  6. I believe/hope transfers will be sorted by beginning of Feb, I have a large shopping list.

    1. Your optimism counters my pessimism, time will reveal which of us was on the right side.

  7. I do most of my painting downstairs in the kitchen/diner, so I'm "forced" to tidy up each session! I do have a handy cupboard in the adjacent utility though to keep everything.

    1. A handy cupboard always useful. Sue took over mine for her crafting when GHQ came on stream.
