Friday, 29 November 2024

A Loss of Reputation?

On Monday for the last game of November here in GHQ Phil and I were fixed on a first attempt with James Morris's new Midgard {aka Mudgard here in GHQ}rules using Phil's Arthurians and Early Saxons, two beautiful armies worthy of the privilege. It's fitting too that a new rule set should get a run out to mark the Blogs 13th Blogiversary!

You may already have seen Phil's report of our experience in this first encounter with the rules, so I'm not going to repeat things for no reason. The two armies in question are a thing of beauty though and deserve as wide an audience as possible, so here are a few pictures I took during lulls in the action ~
The early Saxons lead gallantly, if not heroically, by Aelle.
The glorious Arthurians lead by the almost mythical Artos, Dux Brittania, Count of the Saxon Shore, and so on...
Artos himself flush with Heroic ardour leading his Comitatensis into action.
Aelle keeping a watchful eye on his diminishing stock of Heroic Deeds!
Mutual destruction brought about by the accumulated loss is Stamina.
Aelle desperately expending his Heroic Deeds to stave off the rampant Arthurian hordes and preserve what was left of his Reputation.
Which as you can readily see here was at a pretty low ebb by then!
All to no avail in the end sadly as his Reputation took a nose dive and the battle was lost. 
We played five Turns in just a little less than 2 hours including setting up. The rules worked well and we soon had a grasp of the fundamental principles and order. More importantly they were fun, and for we veteran wargamers that's what counts more with the passing of the years. So, the  Midgard/Mudgard rule set are 'Highly Recommended' by we GHQ Irregulars!


  1. Cool looking game, David. I'm looking forward to giving the rules a go myself.

    1. Phil's armies, as I said, and very good they are too! You will enjoy the rules I'm confident in saying.

  2. Cracking looking game, loads of lovely miniatures on show and a fun game too you can't ask for much more.

  3. Congratulations on thirteen years at the keyboard. Well done! Well done on the new rules’ run out too. Aelle had a tough time with his bad reputation. Cue Joan Jett…

    1. Thanks Jonathan, as ever much appreciated.

  4. It was a very satisfying first outing of the rules, especially for Artos.

  5. Lovely looking game! Really looking forward to trying these rules myself!


    1. I would be surprised if you are not entertained and amused by the game.

  6. I enjoyed seing a second report of this great looking game in a favourite period.
    I've had my first two games with armies straight out of the book and like for you it was an enjoyable experience I look forward to repeating though my next battle will be Thirty Years War. I may have a go at creating new armies for Midgard for the next encounter.

    1. I think James has a winner with these rules, at least amongst folk who enjoy the game rather than being desperate to win. You know the type I'm sure.

  7. Amazing David. I am also drifting into the Midgard world but opting for the world of Troy an old favourite of mine but an army Ive never owned.

  8. Looking forward to seeing your take on the Trojan War. Back in the day I started a collection but the acres of flesh defeated me...

  9. Happy Blog anniversary! A fine way to celebrate for sure. These rules do look good, but I can't justify their cost at present, but good to know they are fun, which is what really matters:).

    1. Thank you SteveJ! Phil and I chipped in £20 each, £40 too rich a punt in our view for a softback and a bit of coloured MDF. We also got the PDF of course, which helps. As I have some experience in having my own rules printed I know a little about costs and profit margins.

  10. A splended looking game there to behold, with such fine toys on display! The Midgard ruleset seems to be gathering a fair deal of pace and enthusiasm going by the various reports and reviews on offer... despite the cost! Hope to get the chance to try them out in 25 (my first NY resolution)

    1. A New Year's Resolution already, my but that's keen! I settle for vague aspirations nowadays!👴🏻
