Sunday, 1 December 2024

"The Dead Have Risen!"

 Here in GHQ at least, in the shape of the Gripping Beast/Ragnarok Draugr figures. Two of the figures in the photo are listed as Lieutenants, the other four are the pack in tattered robes. 

The main colours I used to try and create an ethereal look, inspired by the army of the dead in the Lord of the Rings movie, were:- Foundry Forest Green Light for the flesh, highlighted with Moss Light; Boneyard Light for the teeth; Bright Red Light for the eyes; the clothing I painted with the Foundry Raw Linen triad hoping for a suggestion of a shroud, a finish which I'd first used on the Viking shaman figure. I've tried to represent decay on the weapons and armour with a suggestion of rust and verdigris, dry brushing on Foundry Terracotta Mid and Orange Mid for rust, Forest Green Light for verdigris. Has it worked, well that's for others to decide? For myself I'm happy with it given my modest skill level. Where appropriate the shield transfers are from LBMS and the bases as ever are from Warbases ~
With the completion of the Draugr figures I'm left with the two Trolls (Copplestone Yetis in the North Star catalogue of course) and some Gripping Beast Dwarf figures - a Champion/Hero and four Dwarf Hirdmen. All are underway so should appear here later in December {DV}. I have a couple of ideas for adding to the 'Bad things' using items from the Crucible Crush Flint 'n Feather range, but that must wait for the War Chest to recover from the annual cost of the GHQ Calendar for my many chums!
Meanwhile, after a weekend hiatus entertaining Matt, Arthur and Reuben, it will be back to the Late Roman collection firstly in the shape of more Late Roman Heavy Cavalry.


  1. A fine looking job there Mr. B. Very spectral and menacing.

    1. I thank you! The cheque is in the post!😁

  2. They look the part, very nicely painted and I think you have nailed the warriors of the dead look. Nice figures too, that range from GB is a really interesting one.

    1. Thanks for the endorsement Donnie, much appreciated.

  3. I think you captured the dead look right on point David!


    1. Thanks Christopher, nice to know folk like my efforts.

  4. Looking suitably grim David…
    Will you be creating some appropriate bleak northern terrain for this project?…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I will take that Aly, much appreciated. Not thought too much on terrain as yet. I fancied a Geek Villain(?) Northlands mat in 4'x4' but it seems only to come in at 6'x4' and at almost £70. Hard to justify for a side project in my view.

  5. Excellent work there David and they really do have that LoTR undead look to them:).

    1. I'm gratified by the overall positive response here to my undead colour scheme.

  6. They look suitably scary.
    Very ethereal and other worldly in appearance.

    1. Thanks Andy, all endorsement is very welcome!

  7. They look dead scary Dave! Very good work indeed... lovely figures and painting. Well done!
