Wednesday, 27 November 2024

A Mixed Bag!

There's no unified theme for this blog post I confess, unless you count the fact that they are all painted! First up then I've added a base of Late Roman Cataphractarii to the collection ~

Of course you will instantly recognise these as from the venerable Wargames Foundry range, as is the bulk of the collection here in GHQ. Squeezing five figures onto the 80mm x 60mm base was a challenge and has perhaps resulted in a bit of an odd look, but, I had the figures...and you know what we are like in our hobby! As an aside, I've started on some Saxon/Goth Skirmishing Light Infantry bases, more of them though anon.

Phil and Di came over for the day last Friday. While the ladies put the world to rights Phil and I retired to GHQ for a small Hail Caesar 1066 & All That game. No AAR, just a few nice pictures of the collection in action on the tabletop battlefield and a chance for me to report a rare home win! And, as a bonus, William the Barsteward was slain and Bishop Odo carried from the field so badly wounded he may not live!! "Engleland is Saved!!!"
Later on after lunch Phil and I set too sorting my Footsore Miniatures Vikings into units to add to the collection as was always my intention. They should give me three more units for the game, capable of being allocated to either side as Anglo-Danes or Viking mercenaries. We also put together a joint order to Footsore: Phil for some additions to his Arthurian & Saxon collection in the form of extra cavalry packs and yours truly some of the Dark Age Welsh Matt sculpted for them. In my case funded by a win on the Lottery the week before, so no depletion of the Warchest incurred!!
Finally, as I promised, the figures completed for the side project, The Saga of Bicca Biccasson, now with added snow. One Gripping Beast Dwarf and ten of Matt's Footsore Miniatures Vikings. Then there are the beginnings of the encounter figures of course ~
The Ice Giant Grïhm and the Ice Dragon Snàrg, now with added snow. It's much whiter to the eye by the by than it looks in the pictures. I've completed the figures for the next group of 'bad things' bar the basing so they'll be along as and when so you'll need to keep your wits about you...


  1. A veritable potpourri of gaming goodness on display and no mistake.

  2. I think the base of five figures works really well, nice work on them. The 1066 game looks super, great miniatures on show. The snow added to the Saga figures sets them off nicely too.

    1. Thanks Donnie, all encouragement welcomed.

  3. A nice mixture there David, all up to scratch.

  4. An excellent assortment of miniatures.
    Snarg, might be small, but he does look menacing, whilst Grihm certainly seems to look like Sting, at least he does to me.

    1. I'd not seen that, but now you've mentioned it...

  5. The unifying thing here David is that they all look superb! The HC! looks to have been fun and the Saga troops are looking fine, although now I can't help but see the giant being called Styng after the comment above;). The Mudguard rules do seem to be gaining a lot of traction at present.

    1. That's most kind SteveJ and as ever very welcome.

  6. Oh frabjous joy - the Normans get a drubbing. Congratulations on your victory that has saved civilisation from feudalism.
    I have enjoyed seeing your finished figures and look forward to seeing your new purchases in due course. Here I am on my second game of Midgard using the lists for Dwarves and Aesir while painting some of the Footsore Vikings and three little figures I found that look like the Wee Free Men from Pratchett.

    1. Glad my modest efforts have pleased you Stephen! I've just varnished the newest additions to the Saga and Late Roman projects, just some vegetation and snow to add as appropriate. Something should appear tomorrow I'd hope.

  7. A fine selection of toys David…
    The snow works well…

    And the dastardly Normans given the beating they deserve Hurrah!
    Now chase them back into the sea 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Aly. The snow is a new trick for me at almost 75! I hope the Normans & Saxons will get a Midgard run out before the festivities kick in.

  8. Inspirig stuff there all round Dave! The cataphract base looks superb to me... five mounted figures on an 80mm frontage takes a particular form of skill to achieve!
    Excellent work!
