David Bickley's Wargames Blog

The occasional ramblings of an average gamer, journeyman painter, indifferent modeller, games designer, sometime writer for Wargames Illustrated and host of games in GHQ.

Monday 1 April 2024

The Third Jaeger Battalion...

...has marched across the painting desk and deployed into GHQ at last and is ready for action later this month with Paul. The figures are from Great War Miniatures of course, the flags from GMB Designs and the bases from Warbases of course. With hindsight, a wonderful gift of course, I wish I had had more figures in helmet as the cap bands and trim proved very chasening for my aging eye and hand, so please be kind or turn a blind eye if you would. I'm confident though that these will look fine in action on the tabletop battlefield here in GHQ! You may judge for yourselves of course ~

There remains now but one further Jaeger battalion to paint, again mostly in caps not helmets! They are made up using the two other poses in the Great War Miniatures firing line packs so will hopefully give a different look again as a unit. {There are also six Roosian Dragoons to paint of course, I'd nearly forgotten them, not to mention the Foundry Cossacks and Perry Miniatures Cossack cart!} Next though are a kilted Highland infantry regiment, the 79th, to bolster my Highland Brigade. Then it's those Jaegers I just mentioned. I feel I may be quite a while on these...


  1. Another splendid unit. The cap bands look just fine to me.
    Great basing,as always.

    1. Very kind words Andy, they are much appreciated.

  2. Splendid, those will do nicely!

    1. They will have to! Thanks for the encouragement though.

  3. They look the business David…
    And the caps look fine to me

    All the best. Aly

    1. Your encouragement is much appreciated Aly.

  4. Lovely work, a really nice addition to your project, well painted and great basing, what's not to like!!

  5. I'm sure the men are more comfortable in caps and may reward you by performing better!
    Nice job again, three battalions of Jaeger sounds a useful force to have.
    all the best,

    1. I hope you are right about that Stephen! There will be a fourth battalion next month hopefully, but the 79th Cameron Highlanders are underway this month!

  6. Excellent work as always there David and look forward to seeing them all in action in due course:).

    1. Hopefully they will debut next week SteveJ.

  7. Superb work there once again Dave, and the caps look just right to me, contrasting nicely with the greatcoats! looking forward very much to seeing them up close....

    1. They will be on the table on Thursday!
