Saturday 12 August 2023

Here's One I Did Earlier...

Blue Peter viewers of a certain vintage may recognise that phrase. Before Sue and I set off on our journey 'Oop North I had managed to paint a second GWM British Command/ADC figure for my expanding Crimean War {Mk 2} collection, but ran out of time to grass and tuft his base appropriately. So, twelve days later, here he is ~

I modified him slightly by replacing the separate arm waving a cocked hat with a spare Trent Miniatures arm with sword from their Irish rebel leader. It works for me if for noone else. 

It occurs to me that I never said over much about my acquisitions at Claymore and also later in the trip. I had made and prepaid for an order from Warbases: Eastern European House #3, Animal Pen; and Village Well with a view to depicting a farm. Let's face it, very many wargames you see will feature a farm or two. In addition I got 3mm bases for the cavalry and hexagonal bases to fix figures to for painting. I ventured once into the Flea Market, a prime location to catch the Tartan variant of the Vid I'd say, crowded, hot and stuffy. But, I got away it seems, and with the Fosten's The Thin Red Line uniform plate book. Later in the holiday, back down near Carnforth I picked up two Napoleonic books for interest: Bukharin's French Napoleonic Line Infantry published by Almark and Armies of 1812 by von Pivka/Digby Smith ~

Not content with attending a show, making purchases and sniffing out books I also visited my chum George Anderson {of  the blog 'Musings on Wargaming and Life' fame} and was privileged to explore the Warton War Room in its developmental stage. I am green with envy at its potential I have to confess. Back home now though so time to set to and tackle the second battalion of Roosian infantry...


  1. It was my pleasure to show you around David, you have also given it a name War Room, which will be proudly displayed once everything is ready. Oh, and nice figure.

    1. Will I be invited to cut the ribbon and declare it open though?

  2. A fine addition to the project and a nifty mod to the the figure too.
    A very productive holiday too.

  3. A nice little conversion David…
    And some fine additions to your library.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks for the constant encouragement Aly, always appreciated. But, I've only just realised that he has two swords! Oops!!

  4. A fine figure and a nice conversion, if even with two swords, but he is a chap who comes well prepared for battle!

  5. A good hawl there from your trip by the look of it Dave... and as for your command figure, great work and wnderful basing! (sticky-back-plastic and all)
