Monday 7 August 2023

The Battle of Falkirk 1298 ~ with Wofun-games plexiglass figures

At the Claymore event recently one game I spent some time at chatting with one of the players was the Falkirk and District Wargames Club's Battle of Falkirk 1298 game. It caught my interest because it was played using the 2D Paper Boys figures, but those printed directly onto plexiglass and marketed by On the table viewed from the player's perspective they looked really good I thought. They come ready coloured front and back, with separate bases, need no sticking nor gluing , just press out, organise and you're good to go ~

Here's a shot of an individual 18mm set and their bases, which I received as a gift...
...and pressed out and fixed in their bases ready for battle.
I can see this as a really attractive option to get playing in a period, especially for those who are time poor hobby wise, with 48 or 96 figures plus bases for about €11 in 28mm or 18mm respectively. I could see me getting some for games with my grandchildren but I also can see me then wanting to paint traditional figures. Old Dog, New Tricks perhaps, or perhaps not... Whatever, the chaps' game was different and I liked the overall look, so maybe it is part of the plaaastic figures future ahead, particularly for you younger chaps and chapesses.


  1. I was tempted to use the Napoleonic ones for the Peninsular project using Soldiers of Napoleon. As you have alluded to I would have wanted to paint figures at some point.

    1. You know yourself so well...tempting though wasn't it?

  2. Interesting David and as you say quite effective. I think I could manage a new period, but they are obvious best suited to larger ranked armies

    1. Surely worth a consideration at least in mass battle periods?

  3. I saw someone colour the edges in with black marker pen to get rid of that ‘clear’ edge, but when I tried it on a sample, it didn’t seem to look any better and I’m sure it must cut down on the light entering the piece, which helps give the figures their vibe.

    1. They are what they are I think Norm, but en mass they did fool the eye I felt.

  4. I saw some being used in a DBA sized game at the weekend. I suppose what caught my eye was the reflection off the clear acrylic, which jarred visually for me. Whilst I love the illustrations, they looked too washed out for me when on the table. Maybe if they printed them on white acrylic the colours might have a bit more oompf to them? Anyway, not for me but I can see they will tick many boxes for other gamers.

    1. Wouldn't do if we all agreed all the time SteveJ.

  5. I am a great fan of Wofun miniatures.
    Here is a link to my Wofun 18mm WSS project.


    1. Very impressive Willz. I think inking the edges has improved the look. I'm not sure 28mm would look so pleasing as the 18mm, where the eye is more easily satisfied.

  6. Never seen any in the flesh as it were, but they look very impressive! Collecting and painting for me though, has always been the biggest draw....
