Monday 14 August 2023

'Quick Fire!' Reward

Earlier in the 'summer' I sent Dan at Wargames Illustrated a few photographs and a short piece about dressing the interior of Western Gunfight style buildings. In due course it appeared in the magazine, along with the bigger piece on my SYW collection you may recall. These 'Quick Fire!' pieces are generally rewarded with a free copy of the magazine and a Giant in Miniature of the author's choice. Being cheeky, and having a subscription anyway, I asked for some 3D prints I'd noticed in an earlier issue. I'd not been in the house an hour on returning from our trip 'Oop North when I found a small packet on our door mat ~

The contents of the packet some of you may recognise from Wargames Illustrated where the painted versions have been featured once or twice. They will make interesting side projects when I'm sick of Roosians I hope. I expect to utilize them as objective markers in games as well as set dressing in WWI, VBCW, WWII and Pulp games. I'm not a fan of 3D prints when it comes to figures but vehicles and terrain are another matter. Keep an eye out for painted examples as we move through the year. Meanwhile though, the first base of figures for the second Roosian infantry battalion is moving towards completion.


  1. Really nice pieces there David. 3D prints are OK, but having been 'in the business', I'm always worried about their longevity compared to traditional lead figures.

    1. I think the technology is advancing rapidly, but for me metal figures are the pinnacle.

  2. Great looking pieces. Hopefully the allure of the Russians will continue a while yet

  3. Some very nice bits and pieces…

    All the best. Aly

  4. Useful little bits to use in your vignettes David 👍

    1. I agree Matt though I'm still thinking about context for some pieces.

    2. Well there is no sense to the system and how it works ! But at least some comments are landing

    3. True, but it's free so I put up with its quirks.

  5. Some very useful looking pieces there... I'm sure they'll paint up fine and really look the part!

    1. I must get started on these amongst all the Crimean War figures.
