Wednesday 1 March 2023

A Hanoverian Infantry Brigade Command Stand

A small blog entry, in scale with the subject you might say. Like most wargamers I'd suspect, within my Lead Pimple I often have small numbers of figures surplus to requirements after building up units. As I abore waste of any description I try to use these up whenever I get the chance, often in small vignettes or in additions to the main figures on a Command stand. In this instance I found a Foundry British officer and sergeant which I've combined in a suitable pose to make an infantry command stand for the Hanoverians ~

 Now, there are several small issues marking these out as proxy figures rather than pukka Hanoverians: no pom-poms on the tricorns; nor oak leaves behind the cockade; lace where there should be none on the sergeant figure; and so on. But remember, these are figures in a game which will be seen from gaming distance so I can live with that. Just as I can with the fact that they are big chaps next to the Front Rank souls they will command.

Meanwhile the first of the Hanoverian cavalry are well underway, the Leib Regiment as it happens, more on those as and when though... Sadly no game this week as Phil has succumbed to the same virus it seems. So, it's back to the brushes then in Billy No Mates mode...


  1. A splendid and fine use of surplus figures*
    * The curse of the pack format in a lot of cases a little more thought in the make up of some would be useful.

    1. Indeed, I curse the day figures were packed rather than sold individually.

  2. What a fine use of spare figures and I love the dynamics of the pose David. I too to my eternal shame do not worry about uniform details too much as in 10mm they are almost impossible to spot even at arms length if they are 'wrong'. Once on the table no-one notices.

    1. Of course I agree with your point SteveJ

  3. You could always get some etched brass oak leaves .... just a thought!

    1. I did think of it...very briefly. See toys in a game point though.

  4. Lovely little command stand David.


  5. You would have a job to do every SYW uniform properly, but once again a lovely vignette.

  6. A fine looking vignette David…
    They look like they are having a bit of a disagreement…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly. Yes, you can see that in the vignette now you mention it.
