Sunday 26 February 2023

Hanoverian infantry regiment von Schulenburg

The third of my Hanoverian infantry regiments has finally marched across the painting desk and deployed into GHQ ready for action. I chose the von Schulenburg regiment for no other reason than I liked the uniforms colour combinations. As before the figures are the venerable Front Rank ones sourced from Gripping Beast in Evesham. Again, the flags are from free downloads I found after a Google search and will do for me. The bases of course are by Warbases, who else? No more blathering on, here they are ~

Next up are two Foundry officers to make a Brigade command stand for the Hanoverian infantry Brigade. Then I plan to tackle the Hanoverian cavalry using Foundry figures gifted me by Jon. Given a following wind and hopefully avoiding any further health malarky I'd hope to complete that in March.

Mind you, in true wargamer mode, I did order some extra figures from Front Rank recently: some Freitag Jaegers, a Galloper gun and crew, and a few extra Grenadiers to make up a four base composite Grenadier battalion. Of course that means that one base of four Grenadier figures will have no parent regiment on the table...yet!


  1. Very fine they are too, and a very good example of KBOing if ever there was.

    1. I do my best, can do no more. I'm glad they pass the 'They'll do!" test.

  2. Nice! I heartily endorse the mustering of the Freitag Jaegers.

  3. A very pretty Regiment David 👍

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher. As ever, much appreciated.

  5. Fine work as ever David and the command base with the flags really does make the unit 'pop'. Are the 'ropes' (not sure what they are called) at the tops of the flag poles cast on or do you add them yourself?

    1. The finials & tassels are from Front Rank, now via Gripping Beast. They are sold in sets, 2 or 3 strips of 3 if I remember correctly. They also do the French ones with added ribbons.

  6. Sorry to hear about your wind Mr.B. but at least the Hanoverian's turned out nicely.

    1. Thanks Jon! Almost finished the first two Leib Regiment cavalry figures too.

    2. You seem to have the bit between the teeth Mr.B.

    3. Nowt else to do with no games possible, due to illness and absence of course. I've almost completed 4 of the cavalry you kindly gifted me.

  7. Great brushwork , the colors really look good together. The flag came out very nicely.

    1. Thank you, your kind words are much appreciated.

  8. The Hanoverians are a pretty army David and you've done a good job on the figures. I lumped all my grenadiers into a composite battalion. I must admit my favourite Hanoverian units are their dragoons.

  9. Thank you Robbie, kind words always welcome. I have yet to tackle the grenadiers'!

  10. Another lovely looking unit David…
    Even when your a bit poorly you still manage to paint far more than me…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Kind of you to say so. As to painting, well I'm not working while you are I suspect.

  11. Very nice David, I should get some SYW in.
