Friday 3 March 2023

Leib Regiment Reuter

The first of the cavalry for my small Hanoverian contingent in my SYW Allied army, the Leib Regiment. As my loyal reader must recall, these are Foundry figures gifted to me by Jon last year. As with the infantry command stand in my previous blog post these have a number of small issues with pukka Hanoverians, but again I can live with that. (Remember, they were a gift so cost me nothing from the warchest! Always worth considering that if you ask me.) The main divergence though is with the musician, neither a trumpeter nor kettledrummer you'll have noticed. Added to that he wears the wrong headwear too. I painted the cap in the Prussian metalics front style as it seemed the most logical compromise, after all regimental inhabers could be a law unto themselves.

So there are six figures on three bases making up the unit, as my SYW cavalry are deployed in games in squadrons of either 6's or 8's now. One big decision on my part though was not to even attempt to paint the saddlecloths in their complex pattern. Sorry about that any purists out there, but quite beyond my hand and eye now. Summerfield's Hanoverian Army in the SYW includes an illustration showing the simpler version in use during the SYW which had supplanted the ornate saddlecloths, a plainer yellow version edged white. The white horse in a wreath decoration I simply chose not to try and paint, too small and fiddly for my hand and eye. As I've said before: my toys in my game, so they will do for me.

I've four figures finished as well, though not yet based, to represent the Leib-Garde Regiment. The troopers wear the Grenadier mitre while the officers wear the tricorn. The standard I located in a Google search has a black field which I think will look the part. Their two bases will be a small unit in Black Powder terms in future games here in GHQ, once our various lurgis are cleared that is. More on those figures in due course 


  1. Always good to hear your piles are diminishing Mr.B. and I think they've turned out quite nicely.

    1. Thank you Jon! Hope you will be able to lead them in battle sometime.

  2. Fine work as always David:). I take a somewhat laissez faire attitude to uniforms etc, as life is too short to worry over fine details.

  3. I agree your figures so you paint them how you want and the unit does look great David.


    1. Thanks for your endorsement Christopher.

  4. Good choice David, white and yellow always look good together. So well done again.

  5. A very pretty unit David, I like the colours.

    1. Thank you George, but, pretty? Not the word I'd choose myself

  6. Nicely done David , they are still in their Sunday best and after a few battles should get a bit of mud on those uniforms !

  7. Looking good, David. I am about to turn toward Hanoverian cavalry, myself. These figures look to be British cavalry. Did Hanoverians Bob their horses’ tails like the British?

    1. They are indeed Foundry British cavalry. No idea on the horses. On both counts I position myself behind toys in a game. Life too short to bother about irrelevant details.

    2. That's the spirit Jonathan!

  8. Very nicely painted figures.
    I am with you on painting the complicated lace David, simple colours. Which adds to the figures, I tried to paint complex lace several years ago and it did not look right on the figures.


    1. Thank you Willz, common sense prevails I think. As to detail patterns I think it's the issue of trying to scale down complex patterns which throws it all out of kilter.

  9. They look excellent. Inhaber's fancy for musicians woukld be nothing new!

    1. Many thanks for your fulsome endorsement.

  10. A lovely looking unit David…
    I like the drumpeter…😁

    All the best. Aly
