Tuesday 29 November 2022

It's My Blogiversary!

Tales From GHQ is celebrating its 11th Birthday today! I took a look back at my first posting last night ~

It seems I was painting ACW command stand figures, in this case Bobby Lee and entourage for the Army of Northern Virginia. I still have that vignette base but have to admit it seldom sees the light of day. I also note I'd been adding figures to the Anglo-Zulu War collection, again quite apt as I've only recently added the Prince Imperial figures too.

Did I think I'd still be blogging in 2022 back then? Probably not I'd say. Might I still be blogging in another 11 years? Well, I think that's something best not dwelt on. I'd definitely be a geriatric wargamer if I get that far! It's probably more sensible to just take each day as it comes and enjoy it to the max. Family, Friends, Neighbours and our wonderful hobby are worth celebrating every day! Wherever you are and whatever hobby activity you're planning, do enjoy your days, each and every one. Me? Sue and I are going out to lunch with Phil and Di, but no doubt there'll be some hobby stuff along the way today...


  1. Congratulations - your blog maintains a freshness with new additions and of course plenty of gaming, a reminder to us all to get more stuff to the table.

    I shall share your celebration by visiting Antietam or Waterloo this evening :-) it is a good thing that we have.

    1. Thank you Norm, your support is very welcome.

  2. Tempus Fugit but we KBO, happy blog birthday.🎂

    1. Indeed, much KBOing in evidence of late!

  3. Congrats on a milestone. Nice to have that time

  4. Congratulations, David! After pounding out posts for this long, it would be hard to stop and not feel the loss. Keep at it!

    1. I shall endeavour to comply with your instruction!

  5. Happy Blogiversary and I hope you enjoy your lunch.

    "Family, Friends, Neighbours and our wonderful hobby are worth celebrating every day!"

    Too true David, too true.

  6. Happy Blog Birthday, some great posts over the years and 11 years shows true dedication.

  7. Many Blogging returns David…
    I look forward to seeing where your butterfly lands over the next year…and more

    All the best. Aly

    1. It is fluttering in anticipation already!

  8. Congratulations David and I fully expect you to carry on for many more years, well done.

    1. I will be delighted to follow your expectations. Thanks for popping by and commenting regularly.

  9. A bit late but congratulations on such a milestone! It may seem like a long time but has be a fun time and will continue to enjoy your blog!
