Wednesday 30 November 2022

Better Late Than Never!

The French regiment Bouillon musters into GHQ after an atypically prolonged residence on the painting desk! Of course this delay was caused as I'm sure you will recall by Phil and I having to process the contents of Battlefront's Red Dawn expansion to their Team Yankee game. Now that exercise being behind us, things can once more progress SYW-wise at a more sedate pace appropriate to my age!

Once more I chose to paint this regiment because I liked the flags. I found these on the splendid blog resource 'Not by Appointment' - a highly recommended source for both flags and uniform information. The regiment is depicted using Casting Rooms Miniatures figures and are based on 40x50mm MDF bases, from Warbases as always. One issue with SYW French uniforms is the multiple variations in coat collars, shoulder straps, cuffs, lace, pockets and such. Using these, my preferred figures, means I have to compromise at times. Here, there are 6 figures with collars, but none with cuff lace. So, the 12 rank and file have no collars but all 19 figures have cuff lace painted on to the bare cuffs. It's obviously a compromise, but one I can live with for wargaming purposes. Along with the flags it will help the distinctive look of the regiment as it takes its place in the line of battle.

I have two other units to paint for the French SYW army, a second Swiss Guard regiment and another Grenadier regiment, but I thought that I'd try a Hanoverian infantry regiment next, the first from Front Rank exclusively for this part of the expansion project. I'd hope to complete these before the festivities begin to intrude on life as December advances! I've also got 4 Warbases German buildings to assemble and paint for the SYW, so I might tackle those along with the Hanoverians.

My next entry will be the 1,000 blog post I've made, so it's apt I should end it by talking about what is to come, rather than focusing on what has passed. With that in mind, a quick check through the Lead Pimple shows my small Hanoverian force and smaller Imagination force for the SYW expansion project in addition to the aforementioned French. There are also three Dixon Miniatures ACW infantry regiments to form the Texas Brigade. Smaller elements, all from Warlord Games, of Roman civilians and a 105mm howitzer and crew for the Burma game, together with a plastic Stuart light tank kit for the same complete the inventory. Enough to be going  on with, at least for now, given a following wind I'd venture.


  1. They are nice and a lovely stand of colours, must resist.

    1. Take the Vogon's advice, you know it makes sense.

  2. Beautiful painted figures, one of my favourite regiments.
    Davids NBA flags are wonderful.


  3. Splendid looking French, very nice with flags and mounted Colonel!
    Best Iain

  4. What better way to choose regiments David? Its the first thing I check out when looking to paint up a unit, it does mean I may paint up a pretty bad regiment, but they will look great as they run away.

    1. I agree! Selecting a unit with a fancy flag is a solid criterium in my book. Good looking regiment, David!

    2. No better way really for the French I've found. As all my chaps advance to the rear frequently it's not a worry.

    3. Glad you liked them, forgot to say!

  5. Oooh, lovely looking regiment. :-) First time I've seen those flags of mine in use too. Splendid!



    1. I am relieved that you liked my use of your splendid flags David!

    2. The troops and flags look terrific! :-) Glad you like the flags; it's always a great pleasure to see them in action. Thanks for recommending them to people.



    3. The flags are spectacular, a great resource! They deserve a wide audience.

  6. 1000 entries will be a great accomplishment! I'm looking forward to reading it!

    1. Very kind words Mr.L and much appreciated. I hope you'll not be disappointed by the 1000th post!

  7. Lovely work there David and I like the determined look to these coves as they march purposely forward to close with the enemy:). Some nice work in the pipeline too, so keep up the good work mon brave as I always enjoy reading your posts, AAR, seeing your minis etc:).

    1. I shall do my best SteveJ, can do no more.

  8. Another fine addition to you Seven Years War collection David…
    And a very nice choice of flags… the regiment will look good no matter which way it is running…

    All the best. Aly

  9. No doubt they will march smartly to the rear!
