Friday 25 November 2022

The Spiders are roaming free...

...and the tumbleweed is rolling gently along here in GHQ! The reason for this lack of activity you might wonder? Well, Phil is poorly and Jon is busy, so I am in 'Billy No Mates' mode once more. And I can't even blame Boristhebastard this time either! To raise my spirits I thought I'd show you the Tales From GHQ calendar which I produce for my friends each year, John Aston has a full set and can tell me when this began. The theme for 2023 is the SYW featuring scenes from those games here in GHQ ~

While there's been no sniff of a game even I have been keeping morale up by sitting at the desk and painting as and when I can. My main effort is in the Red Dawn pre-release sphere. I've almost completed the Soviet Airborne troops, just a dozen left to finish off, and I've started basing those vehicles Phil was able to pass to me (thanks Diane!) before he keeled over! Our deadline for completing our task is very tight, but the text is almost written now and the in game photos are planned to our satisfaction, so the short promotional piece should all reach Dan in time. Sadly I can't post any pictures of the work, for obvious reasons.

I've also been fitting into the painting efforts a French SYW infantry regiment , Bouillon, again chosen because I liked the flags! I'm on the final four figures now so they might also be completed this month with a bit of luck!


  1. And a fine looking thing it is David…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I am pleased that you like it Aly. You might record your many victories on it?

  2. For a moment I thought you had dabbled in some Fantasy gaming and had bought some Spider figures when I saw the post's title! FtF gaming is a rarity here for many years now, hence my preference for rules that are solo friendly and have some command friction built in. As such I have little to drive me on the painting front at present, alongside real life issues taking up much of my spare time. Looking forward to seeing your latest efforts as always.

    1. I do have one/some giant spiders in my Pulp collection still, I think.

  3. Replies
    1. Says Dogman of Rawnsley...

    2. Or should that be the Sickman of Rawnsley๐Ÿ™‚

    3. I rather hoped you'd be better by now.

  4. I am sure gaming will return to GHQ soon David…..I always find a lull gives the opportunity to get some painting done and quite refreshing. And thank you of course publically for my calendar ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Glad you liked the calendar, I hope it will prove useful.

  5. All this top secret stuff is most intriguing Dave... ๐Ÿ‘€ Glad you're keeping busy with the painting, we look forward to seeing your work in due course... You'll enjoy it all the more in GHQ once the action re-commences no doubt!

    1. Well, at the present rate our game might be the next in GHQ.
