Thursday, 12 December 2024

Under the Radar

It seems sometimes to me that the Lead Pimple can take on a life of it's own, slowly swelling almost unnoticed. Unnoticed that is until you realise you have no more space in the RUBs under the painting desk! Then you need creative solutions of course. In my case it was rejigging the contents of a wardrobe, to create a shelf for more boxes!!!! What's in them then you are entitled to ask? Well, take a peek if you must ~

Last month I scored a decent win on the Lottery, just enough to compensate me for the 'theft' of my OAP's Winter Fuel Allowance by our new government! Traditionally I'd spent my half on figures so I allocated this win to buying some Footsore Miniatures Dark Age Welsh which Matt had sculpted for them a while back. My intention was not a whole force, but to combine them with his Vikings from the Kickstarter in a sort of cod Hiberno-Norse force for our 1066 & All That games.
Staying with the Dark Ages theme and inspired by Phil's recent palaeolithic stone circle I thought my Saga of Bicca Biccasson would profit from some Viking Rune Stones. A web hunt lead me to Fenris Games who offer several combinations of such. Not as cheap as Phil's finding by a long chalk, but very nicely cast by way of compensation. I chose two sets: the large single standing stone (in the centre of the picture) and one of the packs of two smaller stones (flanking it). After a quick wash in warm soapy water I'll probably give them a dark wash over with a thin black wash and a bit of a dry brush to bring up details. Basing them I've yet to decide on.
I also received another Giant in Miniature from Dan at Wargames Illustrated earlier this week in response to my recently published Quick Fire! piece. I chose the Sir John Hawkwood figure which in the fullness of time will be added to my Italian Wars collection. Not quite yet though as I'm still persevering with my Late Roman project, the first four figures of the Legion being finished now and four more are well underway.


  1. Nice Hawkwood figure, saw his huge picture in Florence at the Doumo, I also had a book on him at one time. My own lead pile is no more.

    1. You have no lead pile anymore? End of Days!!!!😉

    2. Having no Lead Pile is quite unbelievable. I like the Hawkwood sculpt too.

  2. Yes those Welsh as some very lovely sculpts from your son and look forward to seeing how they turn out when you have the time.


  3. Load more of Footsore loveliness, looking forward to seeing them when they get their paint on and the Fenris rune stones look very good indeed.

    1. Thanks Donnie. Rune stones coming along nicely.

  4. It's always good to have a stick, one thing is for certain stuff won't get cheaper and may also disappear.

    1. As you say, things can be expected to cost more!

    2. Stock/stick? Either will do in light of the figure's pose!

    3. I thought ‘stick’ worked too since Hawkwood seems to be wielding something similar.

  5. If only a decent lottery win would come our way! I think the most we ever won was about £40, which was over 10 years ago. One can but hope! Nice purchases and the runestones look cool and look forward to seeing them painted up and based. Old Hawkwood is a great sculpt and should look really nice once painted:).

    1. I won the first week the Lottery was inaugurated and fourteen times in the first year. By the third year no wins at all! Stopped for several years, then restarted. Always same core numbers, one line only. I've won several times this year from £5 to over £120. Only seem to win on roll down draws!

  6. Can't imagine life without a stick/stock... Mine lives in the loft now due to lack of storage space, contained within a number of RUBs! It has actualy shrunk slightly since the onset of winter, and the completion of more Punic wars fig's.

    1. Lofts are a sore point with me at present, having recently fallen out of ours!
