Monday, 9 December 2024

Light on their feet?

Well some, but not all, as it turns out. It's taken a while, what with Norse Mythology distractions and falling out of the loft, but I've added further strength to the Late Roman collection in the shape of two bases of Goth Skirmishing Light Infantry and two bases of Late Roman Heavy Cavalry. All the figures are from Wargames Foundry's venerable range as you'd surely expect and we're part of my purchase at the recent The Other Partizan. As ever the bases are from Warbases, my go to supplier down the years, and the shield transfers are from LBMS

The Goths are of course catalogued as Franks or Saxons but they do the job for me and of course fit into the rest of the collection seamlessly. I chose figures for these Light Infantry skirmishing bases from the most active in the packs, together with a more sedated leader from the Command Pack. They will of course feature in the armies of Baldinus or Gornalus.

The Heavy Cavalry are from a mixture of the Cataphractarii, Heavy Cavalry and Roman Commanders packs with the horses rejigged to suit the units added recently (See earlier A Mixed Bag post) to the collection. They will join Pompus Minimaximus' army as his Christian Goth Bucallerii, hence the round shields with various appropriate devices adorning them.

I've started on another Legion for the army of Pompus Minimaximus which I hope to complete before being overtaken by the seasonal festivities! More there in due course as you'd expect. Back to the painting desk now then!


  1. Most splendid additions to the various would be Imperator's forces.

    1. Glad to like them. You may be less keen though when facing some of them in GHQ!

  2. Light on their feet, perhaps, but heavy on their shield bling, no doubt! Nice!

  3. Lovely work on both, the heavy cavalry are lovely. I really like the lights, great sense of movement in the figures, great choice of poses and the way you based them, really very nice work.

    1. Thanks for the enthusiastic support of my modest efforts Donnie!

  4. Lovely work, David. It's easy to forget how many excellent Perry sculpts are in the Foundry catalogue.

    1. Thank you Giles. You are right of course about the quality still available from their many venerable ranges.

  5. Very nice indeed David…
    I was only just listening to The Rest is History Podcast…
    Their latest episode is about the Franks…
    It got me thinking that I may need some more myself…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Much appreciated Aly, thank you. More Franks? Of course you do!😉

  6. Lovely looking Romans David! I'm happy I've already bought/traded most the Late Romans I would need from Foundry as the prices + customs costs even with X-mas sales are pretty much prohibitive at this point.:-(


    1. Thanks Christopher! On costs only you can say what the line is you won't cross. Here there are more expensive figures and much slower mail order service from many companies. But for the same reason I no longer order from the USA.

    2. I'm an American expat living in Germany and I pretty much stopped ordering from the US quite some time ago except for a couple rule books. However, the UK might as well be the US in terms of shipping and custom charges as they are getting close to the US for us in mainland Europe not to mention the rising cost of metal. Some UK companies are just flat not selling to the mainland anymore unless they can find a distributor. As a wargamer in Europe if feels like we are getting kicked to curb. I understand why so not laying blame on the companies just how it feels.


    3. Yes, it's true that real world issues are ever more closely pressing on our hobby. The blame probably should be shared by Trump, the EU & Brexit equally. I miss not being able to add Brigade Games figures to my AWI collection, but like many I am deterred by the fringe costs. I've no idea what or if there is a solution.

    4. I do my best to avoid politics on open wargaming media as I find it helps avoid fragmenting our already small community, but I will say I wish our politicians(yes I mean all) would act in ways that take us regular people into account and how it affects us and knock off the tick for tat. I don't know the solution either, but it sure looks like nobody is trying to find one as everything just gets more expensive and harder to do.
      On a postive note I really am enjoying your blog and is a mainstay in hobby inspiration. I'll get posting again soon to help keep things going.
      I deleted the comment under because it was in the wrong reply entry.:-)


    5. Can't argue with that sentiment Christopher. Back on hobby track though, many thanks for your continued support and generous enthusiasm.

  7. Excellent additions and nice to have a bit of a break from the Norse saga chaps, although I do like the latter a lot!

    1. More Late Romans underway and more Saga bits ordered too.

  8. Splendid additions David, looking forward to seeing them in action.

    1. Thanks George! I hope they will grace the table next month when the next Legion is ready alongside them.

  9. Some more fine additions Dave to grace an already splended collection! You continue to inspire us all with your continued efforts and even more wonderful basing!
    Great work!

    1. Very kind sentiments Paul, thank you very much.
