Wednesday 25 September 2024

Just A Quick Word.

Life constantly has a way of surprising you I've found down the years. Only last weekend I mentioned that there was no game planned in GHQ this week. Scrub that then: fellow Saddlers Season Ticket holder Simon turned up on Monday for a game, just because he saw my blog post! We played a small late medieval Italian Wars game ~

I would describe Simon as a good friend and a once in a blue moon wargamer! Needless to say Simon ran out victorious in five turns using Hail Caesar. I'll not mention my dice throws for now...🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲
Just a short while ago you might recall I mentioned that I had been using illustrations found through web searches as painting references for my Crimean War French infantry as I was reluctant to pay northwards of £40 for the book on French Uniforms sold by Caliver Books. That prompted a message from Aly Morrison asking if I'd like a copy as he had two. It duly arrived on Tuesday morning while I was over at Phil's for our weekly game. Oh, I must mention, Aly wanted nothing for the book, it was a gift! Marvellous folk in our wonderful hobby!
As I mentioned marvellous folk and Phil, here is the man himself surveying our C3rd Romans v Goths game. I took the Goths as ever, they are nearest the camera in that shot.
By Turn 2 the Goths were just getting stuck in after initial hesitation, apart from their Warband infantry who just wanted to hang around!
By Turn 4 the Goths seemed to be getting the upper hand, Roman units were being held or pushed back and losses amounted to just a few Light Cavalry.
Come Turn 5 and the tables are turned dramatically. In one decisive combat I score 2 hits from 13 dice. Phil save's them both. He inflicts 7 hits from 7 and I loose 6! I roll 4 for my morale check and three Goth units go south! Two Broken Brigades, game over with the Goth army broken! What can I say....?🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲
Finally, an update on grandson William: reorganisation of rooms has given William his own bedroom. His first priority apparently a wargames desk 'like Grandad has'!
And on the desk? The 15mm WWII tanks and vehicles he's working on at present! For ten years old I think he's doing marvellously well, but then I'm hardly neutral on this...
To finish: last weekend Matt's family were up in London celebrating Arthur's 12th birthday. Arthur and his mom Sarah were at the Spurs v Brentford game, but Matt and Reuben were sightseeing, here at the Imperial War Museum. Another WWII buff in the making I think! As I said, life's full of surprises...


  1. Excellent surprises all round there David:)!

  2. A couple of good games even if your dice throwing was less than good, the young lads work on his tanks look great, very impressive for a ten year old. What a cracking gift to get, this hobby has so many nice people in it, it's great to be part of it.

    1. Yes the hobby is replete with wonder folk, just the odd numpty who spoils it. We tend to avoid those I've found.

  3. Fantastic generosity, the hobby certainly has more that it's fair share of the "Good Guys".
    Excellent looking tables and games.
    Brilliant work on the AFVs, it's good to know the future of the hobby is in safe hands.

    1. The future is bright I agree, just needs nurturing a little now and then.

  4. Looks and sounds like you've had a fun and busy few days!

    1. I have Ray! I hope you are on the mend now, maybe even home!

  5. A splendid gift there, it looks like you need to offer the dice gods similar. Will is coming along nicely, great to see him so enthused, you will have to protect from the dark side though.

    1. The 'dice gods' are deaf to my entreaties it seems... I try to support William, but in truth it's got in his blood now I think so I doubt that he will stray over to the Dark Side.

  6. Certainly keeping busy David and lots of life and hobby activity going on 👍

  7. Wargaming can provide us with much that has to be enjoyed.
