Sunday 22 September 2024

At the Half Way Mark!

The third regiment for my French Infanterie de Ligne Brigade are the 26me. The figures are from Great War Miniatures, along with their flag, from North Star. I've managed to paint twelve figures of the 24 which will make up the regiment so far. With no game in GHQ this week I thought I'd post a sort of 'Progress Report' to avoid folk fearing I'd gone AWOL! 

When I complete the remaining twelve figures I will just need to paint the figures for the Brigade's command stand to round off this part of the the Crimean War project. As I mentioned in an earlier blog post you might recall, the equally small Guards Brigade will be waiting until next Spring to reach their time on the painting desk, all things being equal. Meanwhile, I have a short piece on my Crimean War friparies in the new issue of Wargames Illustrated if you are minded to buy a copy.

In anticipation of events I have two additional Late Roman units spray undercoated ready to start after those. They are a Light Cavalry unit and another of skirmishing Light Infantry. Both are from the Foundry range of figures sourced from Colonel Bill's, along with some extra infantry figures. Phil kindly provided me with some spare LBMS transfers for most of their shields. Starting out with the painting of these two units will hopefully mark the onset of my 'Ancient Autumn & Winter' schedule!


  1. A nice WIP shot there David and good to see you have a plan for what you want to paint over the next few months or so. I'm a terrible butterfly, but for once have got back on track in advance of a show, as the weather here is dreadful.

    1. It has always been one of my characteristics to be organised and focused, used to irritate my colleagues no end! You must have had our rain as it's been dry here all day!

  2. They are coming along very nicely David!


  3. Looking good, very nice figures and a lovely uniform. The completed regiment should look stunning on the table.

  4. Looking very good David…
    I’m sure Napoleons nephew will be very pleased…😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly! He will be pleased to know I have THE book!
