Saturday 27 July 2024

"It is I, Leclerc!"

A little something to brighten up your weekend perhaps. I have been meaning, for eons it seems, to finish this little piece depicting 'loot' which can act as an objective or as table decoration, a frippery if you like, but, well you know how things go... Anyway, printing out some craft sheets for Sue I thought I might as well print out one of the most forged pictures in TV history, the 'Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies' by Van Klomp. The setting for this supreme example of the Renaissance painters skills is a 3D print from Dan at Wargames Illustrated ~

As a forger I thought that Leclerc would never settle for just one copy, so I printed out a second smaller version for the frame on the reverse - after all, you can't have too much insurance in uncertain times, can you? As an added bonus of course it can turn up in pretty much any genre from the Italian Wars onwards.
As fripperies go it's not likely to win any prizes but it has amused and diverted me from my woes; as has the delivery of my order from Aventine Miniatures for the bones of a Pyrrhic army, slated to be next year's project I hope ~
As Keith at Aventine Miniatures has been exceptionally busy since announcing his plan to retire in September 2026, I wonder how long it will be now until my follow up order arrives...?


  1. Replies
    1. Perhaps I should have asked you to knock up some knockwurst?

  2. Very nice artwork(s) David…
    I have a couple myself 😁

    I have just put in another order to Aventine which should complete all the toys I need for my own dive into the Hellenistic world…
    I suspect that you will still finish yours first…

    All the best. Aly

    1. I recall yours I think on a game at Partizan. You have sent an order too? No wonder Keith is overworked! I doubt your prediction is true though: I have the Crimean French; Matt's Footsore Vikings; 3 x ACW Reb infantry units; a regiment of Austrian Uhlans for the FRW; SYW Prussian fusiliers...

  3. Cracking bit of frippery, certainly made me smile.

  4. Lovely work David on the loot 👍 and a whole lead mountain arrives in the post 😀

    1. Lead Mountain, no, merely a Lead Blemish.😉

  5. I like that. I didn’t know Keith was retiring, better get that fourth cohort sharpish.

    1. You have had other things on your mind so it's no surprise.

  6. A fine piece there and well presented! The decoration on the vase works well.
    Nice to see the first of the Pyrrhics arrive.... no sign of the old dog slowing down yet!

    1. Nice to have such a modest effort appreciated Paul, thanks. I didn't think I ever got up enough speed to warrant slowing down.

  7. A neat idea there David and a well executed one too. Obviously that recent free WWII Germans sprue has already had an influence upon you! Next you will be buying an Sdkfz 222 armoured car as your little tank;)

    1. Naughty step for you there SteveJ! Glad you liked the idea though.

  8. A very unusual and well presented frippery.
    Nothing better than a brown cardboard box, (or white, padded envelope), full of new figures.

    1. Have to agree Andy, and another on its way too!
