Monday 29 July 2024

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While Sue and I were staying down in Dorstone last month, visiting with Matt, Sarah, Arthur and Reuben, we were treated to a preview of the resin test casts of Matt's forthcoming range of Vikings for Footsore Miniatures' campaign on Kickstarter. I must stress right at the beginning that these are test castings to check alterations which might be needed to either the figure or to its position in the mold. In no way should you take these castings to indicate that figures and molds are ready to go into production yet. There is a well laid out timescale for these very reasons.

I know I am a tad biased, but in my honest opinion the figures are simply wonderful, full of movement, life and character. I am a modest backer of the Kickstarter, my very first venture in that format as you may recall I have previously confessed. Like most other wargamers in my experience I am like a child before Christmas waiting for my September delivery. I have however been able to partly assuage that familiar feeling as Matt gifted me a handful of these figures to paint before their release. No more rambling on then here is my first attempt, Bicca Biccasson himself no less ~

I have clothed him in red and blue; these more expensive colours being a sign of his superior status, if you like his Dark Age bling! I have left off a shield design for now until I see what their transfers are like; I may be able to use them or copy the simpler patterns. His small group of followers are well underway now, I'll post them in due course when they're at a similar stage of completion. There has been no basing as yet you'll have noticed I expect. Well, that's simply because I'm not sure what I might do with my order: add to the 1066 & All That project; or perhaps a bit of Norse mythology using Dragon Rampant ~ for the grandchildren, naturally? Dwarves, Valkyries, Trolls, Ice Giants, Dragons and so on! The Saga of Bicca Biccasson beckons...?


  1. A most splendid figure nicely rendered. A fearsome looking chap and no mistake

    1. Yes, a great figure as you say. Whether my modest skills do it full justice is a moot point though.

  2. An excellent test sculpt for sure and a nice paint job too. The saga of Bicca Biccason sounds like it will be fun to read:).

  3. It will be next year before the figures etc are painted, especially if I decide to go down the mythology-lite route.

  4. Very nice work on him, lovely looking miniature too.

  5. An outstanding miniature, very well painted. Norse mythology gets my vote.

    1. It is certainly appealing I do confess...

  6. A wonderful looking figure there and very nicely painted! The first of many I sure. Outstanding work!
    The rampant games are great fun in my view, and you can play with muti-based figures.... just use a small dice to record unit streangth. I imagine that Williams Vikings will also make a formidable force to menace and threaten Grandad!!

    1. Thanks Paul! I shall see how we go, not a fan of Osprey rules in general though.

  7. He looks great David and a lovely sculpt. I am a little shocked that you are considering dwarves and fairies and all that 😀

    1. Thanks Matt! I hope you have got over the shock now!

  8. Very nice indeed David…
    And some lovely sculpting from Matt…
    Dwarves… Trolls… Ice Giants… 😱
    Sounds fun… 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. I think the great sculpting enhances my mediocre brushwork. Four done now for a post later this week.
