Wednesday 5 June 2024

The 80th Anniversary of D-Day...

...well, close anyway. Justifiably there's been a good deal in the news media lately concerning the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandie. With the first game in June scheduled for GHQ a game inspired by this anniversary seemed an obvious choice. Phil and I played the game on Tuesday 4th June, so just one day short of the planned date and two of the actual landings in Normandie. So, here are a few atmospheric pictures to get you in the mood ~
The dawn of freedom approaches!

The German commanders try to make sense of what is unfolding before them. Can this really be The Invasion so long awaited or a mere diversion from the main assault at the Pas de Calais?
In the German forward command post it's pretty clear this is a major assault, diversion or not!
From the German rear the defences seem formidable, though they acknowledge them to be rather less than complete...
Casualties are arriving from the fierce naval bombardment and bombing attacks as a prelude to the main action!
The German Field Dressing station is already busy with the first of many casualties arriving from the beach area.
Civilian survivors of the heavy attack from both air and sea flee inland for their lives, clogging roads and adding to the general confusion caused by the Maquis destroying phone lines in the rear area...
Part II, the long awaited "Dawn of Freedom" will be featured in the next blog post as time and circumstances permit.


  1. Beautiful looking battle David and a nice link to history 👍

  2. Well done. Very atmospheric.

    1. Thanks, that was the aim, a respectful approach to the memory of all participants, especially Uncle Ern who served in the Royal Ulster Rifles, landing on the eve of D-Day by glider to reinforce the airborne landings.

  3. Some splendid preliminary photos of what was to be an outstanding game. Did the Allies get off the beach...............................?

    1. We shall see, when I manage to get around to writing the AAR captions for the pictures!

  4. Cracking looking game, great looking vignettes, looking forward to the next instalment.

    1. Thank you Donnie, I hope you'll not be disappointed.

  5. Great looking game photos, David!

  6. That really does whet one's appetite, so naturally I'm hungry for the next instalment! The sea and beach look great, are they scratch built (if so, excellent work) or is it a games mat?

    1. Thank you SteveJ! The mat was a commercial product, got it eons ago from a firm in East Anglia who I've long forgotten. It does look good though I've always thought.

  7. A fabulous looking table,I really like the sea/shoreline mat.

    1. I am with you on the mat, which has served on the West Africa Station and as the Nile amongst others!

  8. Beautiful looking game David!


    1. Thank you Christopher, Part the Second coming soon.

  9. Lovely looking lay out there....prelude to what promises to be an epic game! We look forward to seeing the report!
