Sunday 2 June 2024

Lieutenant-General Cathcart

As I mentioned at the end of my previous Blog entry, next under the brush were two mounted British officers, which are rendered notionally as Lieutenant-General Cathcart and his ADC. I replaced the ADC's arm holding a cocked hat with one holding a sword {from the bits box of doom} to give a rather more aggressive look I hope. The figures are from Great War Miniatures of course and the base from Warbases as usual. Not much more to say really is there?

There will be a bit of an hiatus in activity this month now as Sue and I are off on a series of jollys to Devon, Cornwall, and Dorstone over the month and Phil is off to Cornwall again. 

At best we might get in a couple of games, but understandably posting AARs will be low on the list of things to do. If you find yourself in need of a GHQ fix may I suggest looking back over the years at themes of interest and perchance leaving a sly comment for me to find...


  1. Nice command stand, good addition to your command stands, Enjoy your trips.

  2. Very fine addition I particularly like the enthusiastic ADC. One hopes the troops will be equally enthused.

    1. How could they fail to be enthused with you in command?

  3. Very fine command stand! Good suggestion on dipping back into your archives while you are away.

    1. Thank you Jonathan, I shall look out for your sly comment then.

  4. Excellent command stand,and a very neat conversion.
    Enjoy your hols.

  5. Nicely done David…
    Just be careful if you find yourself in a hotel with a certain Miss Marples…
    Things never turn out well when she is around….🗡️🗡️🗡️

    All the best. Aly

    1. Well, better than a Belgian I suppose? Glad you approve of my efforts there.

  6. Nice work David….you can never have enough command stands 👍

  7. Another splendid command base there David and one can never have too many of them. I think it maybe me age, but I'm drawn to the practicality of Cathcart's coat, especially given the wet Winter and Spring we endured. Enjoy your hols and hope you have plenty of nice weather:).

    1. Thank you SteveJ! I'm keeping fingers crossed for the weather!

  8. Very nice work there indeed! The table will look even more splended with so much attention to detail....

    1. Thanks Paul. Hope things are going along OK.
