Thursday 24 August 2023

The Second Roosian Infantry Battalion, ...

...a second Roosian Command stand, and a few thoughts about basing bearing in mind how much is in front of me with this project. Painting battalions of 30 figures is a bit daunting for me I've found so I tend to break down progress into base size groups of figures, which for this battalion has been 10 figures at a time. The figures are all from Great War Miniatures via North Star as are the flags. The bases are from Warbases as ever. The basing texture is my usual mix of Woodlands Scenics Buff Ballast washed with Artist's Acrylics Country Maple. As ever, an end to the waffle for now, here they are ~

The second mounted officer I've completed will command the first regiment in games, although so far I've only completed two of its four battalions ~

As an aside I'd just like to offer up a thought on figure basing. I have increasingly turned over the years to ever lighter shades of basing colours and static grass,clumps and the like. Lighter colours I have found seem to lift the figures, even modest efforts such as mine, enabling all the effort put into painting them to be appreciated. Looking around games at wargames shows and on the internet I find many look much too dark to my tastes. You may of course differ in your approach or opinion. 

With the completion of this battalion my attention with the brush has turned to completion of the Royal Scots. You may recall I repainted some figures I'd received from Colin Ashton and added an officer figure Phil had donated to make up one base as a trial ~

Now I have the figures to complete the battalion so they are now underway! The first four are ready for the highlights to be added so I'd hope to finish them today. A bit of disruption to the routine over the weekend with Arthur and Reuben staying with us, but next week should see the first base finished at least. More as and when, as they say.


  1. A grand start to the Russian contingent with ace bases.

  2. The Russians look great,a very formidable column.
    An impressive start to the Royal Scots,and as always the basing is superb

  3. Dry nicely done David and 30 man groups will look impressive indeed. I agree on the basing and as you may have noticed I think less is more, mainly ‘soil’ and a scatter of light grass perhaps one or two clumps. I’m not keen on figures who look like they are walking across a lawn

    1. Thank you Matt! Multiple flower tufts my particular thing of dislike.

  4. Fine work there David and your basing does work a treat. Less is more and too many flower tufts does not work for me either!

    1. Thanks SteveJ, nice to know I'm not alone on the flower profusion.

  5. Very smart Russians there. As for basing I like more green than earth.

    1. Thank you George. Basing so much a personal issue isn't it? Card painted green when I started back in '73!

    2. I remember those days, beer mats were my thing for years.

    3. Thick card backing from packs of A4 paper we used in school.

  6. Nicely done - I am in the same boat as your good self, feeling that batch painting of 30 at a time is too much. 18 - 20 I will do, but 10 is a sweetspot.

  7. Thanks Norm! For me batch painting is 4 figures at a time, trying to average 2 completed per day as an average, a target I seldom reach or even get close.

  8. Very nice indeed David….
    I am in agreement with you on basing… Lighter rather than dark and simple green coloured flock…
    For me lots of blooms look good at the Chelsea Flower Show… But they can be a bit too distracting on a toy soldier base.
    Each to their own though… But maybe not green painted sawdust on an old beermat….

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, nice to know I'm not on my own on basing styles. By the by, never used beer mats as bases myself.
