Tuesday 29 August 2023

Expanding the Royal Scots and adding a Highland Brigade Command stand.

Despite the wonderful distraction of a Staycation with Arthur and Reuben,two of our grandsons, I have managed the odd few minutes of hobby time to finish off the second of three bases for the 1st, the Royal Scots. With a little fortune and a following wind I'd hope to complete the third base by the beginning of September. In the meantime here are the new and the old bases ~

Alongside these I've also been working on a mounted Highland officer to command the kilted part of my Highland Division {as yet comprising one painted officer!} As usual these figures are all from Great War Miniatures via North Star while the bases are from Warbases of course ~

I hope to be making more progress too over the coming days on the rebasing of the first of the prodigal Foundry figures forming the Light Division of my British army. I have the flags ready now thanks to a kind gift from a long time friend and have restocked on Woodlands Scenics Buff Ballast and rocks.


  1. A fine addition to the regiment,and a very fierce and resolute looking officer

  2. Marching along splendidly there Sir! Cracking mounted highland officer figure.

  3. Fine work as always David! The foot office with drawn sword adds a nice dynamism to the line infantry and the mounted officer looks great, with the red and white band beneath his bearskin (?) a nice detail.

  4. These are outstanding! A splendid collection which just keeps getting better.

  5. Nicely done David…
    I’m looking forward to seeing the finished Battalion.

    All the best. Aly

    1. The last 4 figures are underway! Watch this space, as they say!
