Sunday 2 April 2023

Lückner's Hussars

Even though my Lead Pimple is modest by many fellow hobbyists' standards I do sometimes discover figures in there I had forgotten about. One such group of figures were six Foundry SYW Hussars. Truthfully I have no recollection of when and why I bought these, but being on a roll after completing my small Hanoverian contingent for the SYW expansion project I decided to paint them up to represent Hanoverian Hussars and give the Allied army a bit of Light cavalry. I believe these were sculpted by Mark Copplestone back in the day. They include a guidon bearer in the command pack, even though it seems my choice of unit was one carrying none! I codged something up for them by way of a Hanoverian cavalry standard from another regiment ~

I painted these using the Henry Ford technique. What, you ask? The production line principle, all six on the go simultaneously, a method I'd not used for many a year, usually preferring to work on two mounted or four foot figures at a time. They are done now anyway, so I really must get on with the bases of the Saxons and Normans...


  1. Lovely looking Hussars David!


    1. Much appreciated Christopher, thank you.

  2. Great looking hussars, David.

  3. Very nice hussars. Good choice of colors.

  4. Nicely done David they do look like Copplestone figures as they have the same pose as his RCW cavalry, nice and chunky then 👍 on the painting front it’s Henry Ford for me all the time.

    1. I'm back now on my preferred approach to painting figures.

  5. Those are rather dashing chaps there David. Lovely paint job as always. I tend to work on a platoon/company or regiment/battalion at a time, dependent upon period, so that I can see progress and also have a unit ready to go once completed. I used to be terrible at doing say all the infantry, neglecting artillery and command, so they sat there unused. Whilst in the attic yesterday I was discovering bags of figures I'd forgotten about!

    1. Bags of forgotten figures, guess we really been there!

  6. Who doesn't like daring Hussars!

  7. They can be tricky to paint Dave, but the results are well worth the effort! Very nice looking unit there, to enhance a wonderful collection! Well done! The Henry Ford method works for me...I tend to do batches of 6 or 8 using a wet pallet. I can normally ahcieve a fairly uniform concistancy like that....

  8. A jolly nice little dent in the lead pile Mr.B.

  9. Lovely job, nice whites (the hardest to get right), the guy on the left looks scarily enthusiastic in his craft.

  10. Lovely toys David…
    Very pretty uniforms…I bet they were a sod to keep clean.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly. I expect clean was a different concept in the C18th compared to the C21st...
