Wednesday 29 March 2023

Hanoverian Grenadiers

I have had a fair wind behind me on the painting front these last few week's, so I decided to bite the bullet and paint up the Hanoverian Grenadiers I have in the Lead Pimple. Although I have only painted three Hanoverian infantry regiments, and don't plan any more, I have four bases of Grenadiers. This follows a suggestion by Spanner over on the LAofW forum board to form a converged regiment of Grenadiers. Here in GHQ we are a bit free and easy when it comes to the size of Standard units, usually 5 bases but occasionally 4 {We use 6 or more as Large units}. Although Spanner very generously offered to make me some transfers for the mitres I decided to have a stab at painting them myself, having studied examples of fellow hobbyists' work on the net. The results are a bit mixed in my view, but given hand, eye and age issues I'm satisfied with the outcome.

The figures of course are the venerable Front Rank, now owned by Gripping Beast down in Evesham. Pre-Pandemic we used to visit the factory shop occasionally while on a day out with Phil and Di, but I've no idea if they are open to visitors now though. As I understand that Front Rank orders are cast up to order rather than filled from stock I've not thought of a visit anyway, but you never say never. Anyway, that leaves just six Foundry Hussars I've discovered in the Lead Pimple, so I may work on those next. 

As you may recall though I'm also rebasing my '1066 & All That' collection to use in occasional small Hail Caesar games in GHQ.  That means some new figures, especially Normans, and while Phil will paint the Normans as and when they can be fitted around his own and his commercial work, I will paint the new Saxons and do all the basing. All that means you can also expect to see the usual game reports punctuated by Dark Age painted units periodically for a while. First task though is cleaning up and spray undercoating the latest Foundry order which arrived last Friday.


  1. Excellent work on the mitres old bean, just the ticket๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ฅ

  2. Nicely done unit David and the mitres look excellent ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Very nicely painted... and the work on the mitres is outstanding

  4. Superb work one the mitre David and it reminds me that when I do get around to Grenadiers, they really should be converged as per your wonderful example!

    1. Thank you very much for the kind comments and for correcting my mistake on converged!

  5. Some lovely looking Grenadiers David!


  6. They look the business David…
    I think you mitre painting will more the do…

    All the best. Aly

    1. That's very kind Aly and much appreciated, thank you.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Robbie, so glad you didn't say pretty!

  8. I can only echo the comments above Dave, other than to say, as I saw them during my last visit, they look even better in the flesh as it were! They will most certainly do... adding that extra special touch to any table set-up! Excellent work!
