Sunday 16 October 2022

South Carolina Provincial Infantry

Things have been very slow here in GHQ post The Other Partizan last Sunday. Usually I'm more than enthused after the event, but this time I was just tired mostly. In fact all I managed in the first half of the week was to clean up and spray undercoat the few figures I'd bought at the show. Old Age rearing its head I fear!

I had made a start though in the previous week on a unit of Provincial Infantry for my French and Indian Wars expansion project. Purely on a cost basis I chose to buy the figures from Redoubt Enterprises, a decision which came back to haunt me when it came to cleaning them up! Emerging from my Post Partizan Lethargy I have finally managed to finish them off now. I thought you might enjoy seeing them ~

They are painted to suggest a unit of Provincial Infantry from the South Carolina colony, largely as I found a suggested flag on the net for free. This, together with their blue faced buff uniform, means that they will stand out from the British Regulars in red and Rangers in green. If funds and mojo allow at some point I will add a unit of French Canadian Militia from Galloping Major at some point. Meanwhile I've started on the first figures for a second regiment of Grenadiers de France for my SYW collection. More on them I hope in future posts.


  1. A fine return of the mojo there Mr. B, strange isn't it I too lost the urge to paint, I have however been assembling M3 half-tracks and cleaning up resin for the WWII Americans.

    1. Thanks Phil. Mojo somewhat restarted, but a way to go still.

  2. That is a fine looking regiment, very smart.


    1. I thank you Willz, also for the Forum support!

  3. A fine looking band there Dave! Nice work. I like the buff facings against the blue. Well done👍

  4. A nicely done unit David to add to the FiW

    1. All done for now, back to the European theatre of the SYW now.

  5. I hope the painting mojo keeps going David as I always enjoy seeing you vignettes and units. In fact your recent Burma AAR pushed me into buying some Japanese and a book on the campaign! Always nice to find something new in the hobby. Anyway, back on track, the brighter blue and buff facings work a treat.

    1. I shall do my best to oblige SteveJ! Currently I'm working on a second regiment of Grenadiers de France, Castings Room Miniatures of course

  6. Lovely toys David…
    I do like the colour combination..

    All the best. Aly

    1. Many thanks for your encouragement Aly, as always much appreciated. See you on Wednesday!

  7. Replies
    1. Very kind! Thank you George, much appreciated.
