Sunday 9 October 2022

A Day at T'Other Partizan

Phil and I tootled over to Newark Showground earlier today to pay a much anticipated visit to what is essentially now our 'local' show (given what seems the likely demise of WMMS) a mere two hours away now! 

The Other Partizan, likes it's twin earlier in the year, is for me the premier historical wargames show of the year. There are many other fine shows of course, not counting the soulless, over-priced and over-hyped travesty that is Salute. (Just my opinion you understand, others may disagree if they wish!). But to my taste the Partizans are the very pinnacle of wargames shows!
Why you might ask? Well, a combination of Traders; Wonderfully crafted Display Games of all sizes, scales and genres; Participation Games for those so minded; a meet the Authors feature; and finally even a Lard Zone for any who have been seduced by the Dark Side! Plus, I get to meet good friends from Oop North ~ Hello Kevin, Peter, George and Matt! And even from Doon South ~ Hello Ray! That I'm not on my own here I think is amply demonstrated by the vast array of parked cars and a show rammed to the rafters with happy gamers. Enough waffle, here are my pictures of just some of the games I enjoyed seeing when shopping was completed ~
Phil Oley & friend showing his quite marvellous C18th Imaginations War of the Vauberian Succession.
An interior view of the terrains urban centre piece.
I loved the buildings and the 'look' of this game. Small details draw you in and suspend belief so it becomes a real scene.
A grand representation of the desert in this wargame, I think by the Derby chaps. Just the right amount of terrain items and clutter to give the game the right 'feel'.
The chaps of the Very British Civil Forum getting stuck into their own world setting for a VBCW game! Top marks for enthusiasm chaps!
An ACW game complete with train! What more could you ask?
The splendid centre piece on the VBCW! The garden scenes were just excellent!
One of several Wars of the Roses games. I liked the winter trees in the foreground.
The Iron Brigade's Viking game, small but beautifully formed, well done Kevin and Peter!
An AK47 game set in a fictional African country. Perhaps not politically correct for some tastes but an excellent and unusual game in my view. More of these niche games are needed I'd hope.
Barry Hilton and the League of Augsburg's game. Packed with details and colour!
The Boondock Saints Venetians v Ottomans game. Unusual, colourful, full of little details, and just beautiful to behold!
A second view from a different aspect of the Ottoman lines.
Even the navy gets a look in! My choice for 'Game of the Show'!
Saxons in shieldwall awaiting the inevitable Norman assault!
Again, simple terrain which conveys the scene effectively and without being over fussy. Room for all variety of approaches to the visual in our wonderful hobby!
More Vikings, but on a grander scale this time!
The New Zealand Moari Wars featured in the Lard Zone. The Pa was just splendid, very redolent of those I've visited in New Zealand.
A second view with very typical vegetation shown in the foreground. The Pa I suspect is a 3D print.
A final view of one of the Viking games. Again simple and unfussy terrain draws you in and invites you to see the detail!
Now no wargamer goes to any show without a list and cash/card burning a whole in his wallet for the next 'must have' purchases. Here are mine~
From The Last Valley: two enclosed gardens and a small graveyard. Thanks Andy!
SYW Figures: on the left from Foundry French Grenadier Command, British Grenadier Characters & Prussian Mounted Officers. On the right Eagle Miniatures Prussian Grenadier unit.
A kind gift from Colin Rumford, the Rapid Fire 1940 scenarios book.
A treat to myself from Caliver Books. I got a discount too so a double treat!!
And finally and more ore prosaically: some Pill bases from Warbases and three new brushes for the stock from ABC Brushes.
Well, there you are, our Grand Day Out. If you went I hope to enjoyed it as much as I did! If you didn't go then I'd recommend giving either show a visit next year, you won't regret it.


  1. Superb, thanks for taking and sharing all of the pictures …. A consolation as I couldn’t make it this time!

  2. Great pics - thanks, David.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement by your comment. So far 146 views have generated 3 responses, and one of those was from Phil. It makes me wonder why I bother, I may just delete the blog.

  3. Many thanks for taking the time to post some pics from the show David. This year the stars didn't align (think the cost of fule etc) for us to make the 3+ hour each way trip to the show. A real shame as there are so many games to drool over. Maybe next year...

    1. Thank you SteveJ, nice to be appreciated. I'm two hours away, via Phil's, and at 72 I think that's about my limit now.

  4. Glad you had a great day out... Looks like you both enjoyed it! I'd have definately attended, but a little too far to travel from my current location! Thank you for the report, and the splended pictures.

  5. A good day indeed. I take it you are Druiding?

  6. Afirmative!! Be back well in time for next Thursday though...😉

  7. It was indeed a cracking show…
    Looking at toy soldiers, buying toy soldiers and talking about toy soldiers with good friends…
    What’s not to love about that…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Good to chat and put the hobby world to rights. I find I don't have any contact details to send the pictures. Could you send something via Dan perhaps?

  8. Great photos of the day. Unfortunately I missed this one as I was up in Grimsby pushing 6mm tanks about for the weekend 👍

    1. Many thanks for stopping by. I don't know which sounds worst, Grimsby or 6mm😁

  9. Nice to see you at the show David and I will certainly be looking to go next year now I’m retired 👍

    1. Always good to chat with wargames chums! Will you try Hammerhead in March?
