Friday 5 November 2021

"It has to come off lad!"

 In the previous post I mentioned my trip over to Wargames Foundry's Factory Shop when Lockdown MkII was lifted in the Spring/early Summer. Having collected my preorder of SYW French figures I had a mooch around the myriad racks of figure packs looking for something different as table dressing for my Tales from Pendawar project, which was then in full flow on the painting desk here in GHQ. 

Amongst the many packs of Casting Rooms Miniatures I came across a Portuguese Peninsular War range, one pack of which featured a surgeon at work in the field. Not immediately useful at first glance perhaps, but I saw how a simple head swap on one assistant figure accompanied by the right painting scheme overall could see the set redeployed from the Iberian peninsula to the subcontinent and Pendawar. I must say though that the bases have shown up far too reddish in shade in the pictures, much more of a pale brown in the 'flesh' so as to speak ~

Perhaps later I shall make an awning to shield the figures from the subcontinent's heat and glare, but for now the vignette base will stand as it is. In the meantime I'm pressing on with more infantry for my SYW French in the shape of the Gardes Lorraine. More on them in due course I expect, providing this post gets a better response than the last one that is.


  1. Very neat Sir, now get that shade done we don't want the patient to have heat stroke too.

    1. Thanks Phil. The awning is someway down the to do list though.

  2. A lovely/gruesome little vignette…
    I’m glad that the treatment for ingrown toenails has improved a bit these days…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Yes, a lot to be thankful for in treatment for the piles...πŸ˜•

  3. That's a poignant vignette. I often wonder what they will think of some of our 'modern techniques' in the future—dentistry in particular!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James! As to dentistry, best draw a veil over that topic...😁
