Friday 5 November 2021

Gendarmes D'Anjou

 Having managed to paint all of the ACW figures in the Lead Pimple and taken a bit of a detour into MDF scenery {see earlier blogs}, I decided to paint up some of the Casting Room Miniatures SYW French which I had bought on a trip over to Foundry in the early summer. First up are some cavalry in the form of the Gendarmes D'Anjou, chosen simply because I had their standard in stock from GMB Designs! I know these and the British from the Foundry SYW ranges are a bit Marmite amongst wargamers, but their heavily sculpted detail suits my aging hand and eyes. Enough, here are the finished figures ~

While I've been painting these my order from Dixon Miniatures arrived in the shape of some cavalry in fireman's shirt and kepi to represent the Sussex Light Dragoons for my early war Rebs and a unit of infantry in shell jacket and kepi to bolster the New Jersey Volunteer Infantry brigade. I feel my wargaming world is back in kilter now I have some ACW figures in the Lead Pimple once more! Perhaps I should order some more in the meantime just in case they get lonely...?


  1. Nice work David, no chance my pimple will diminish anytime soon. Best to restock now and save yourself the problem of running out again !

    1. Thanks Matt! I'm sure your Pimple is at least a Lump...

  2. I like the trumpeter, nice way to do that complex lace.

    1. Thanks George, eye and hand limitations really.

  3. Super job Sir, of course you should get more, a Wargamer needs stock.

    1. I will take that as having your permission then.

  4. Nice work David and always good to have reinforcements to hand as it were.

  5. Very nice indeed David…
    I seem to be a bit behind on things… I don’t know how I missed this..
    Fine looking work on all the bling braiding…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, I wondered where you had got to.
