Saturday 21 August 2021

All Quiet on the GHQ front

Just to say there's going to be no activity in GHQ now until 31/8/21 as we are spending time with Matt and Sarah over the weekend and then entertaining Arthur and Reuben for a week. Full Grandad mode will be in order, so obviously no hobby stuff of course. A change is as good as a rest they say.

In the meantime I have started painting a Dixon Miniatures ACW Infantry Regiment, the 55th New York State Militia, otherwise the Gardes Lafayette. I've also prepared some individual officer figures, from the same manufacturer of course, to upgrade the look of my deployed Artillery batteries. Been meaning to do this for a long time, but you know how it is... On a different tack the 15mm vehicles have gone away with Phil to work out a timescale and budget for painting them for me, at least the basic colours that is. In the meantime, all of you take care...


  1. Well nice to see you able to entertain and be entertained after all the isolation of lockdown. Have fun!

  2. Shaken, disordered or both๐Ÿ˜

  3. Enjoy the family time and stay safe and well.

