Wednesday 4 December 2019

The Lafayette Rifle Volunteers

As I promised you last week, some pictures of the latest additions to my War of 1812 expansion project.These are Foundry figures once more, sculpted by Aly Morrison to represent the US Regiment of Rifles. Having already deployed the regiment in my American army in the original project, started when Foundry moved into Nottingham under one roof, I was keen to use the figures in a different guise. To that end, after much uniform research in books and on the net, I decided on a fictional unit which I've called the Lafayette Rifle Volunteers ~
Their uniform is grey with green facings, on the whole, though some are wearing hunting shirts due to a shortage of cloth caused by those damned Limeys and their naval blockade! The yellow cords and plume on the shakos are a nod to the dashing French Voltigeurs, much admired in some American circles it seems. I've wanted to use the Warflag green colour for a long time and finally I've been able to do so with a clear conscience ~

I just hope that no lace junkie out there has had a coronary as a consequence of my tinkering with reality!

Next in line for the War of 1812 expansion project are more American Militia, again by Foundry, and then a second unit of  Knuckleduster Figures, this time some Canadian Militia in round hats. I hope to complete both units in December, festive disruptions permitting of course.


  1. Very nice and I like the mix of uniforms. I have no problems with creating plausible fictional units based around some research. It enriches the whole gaming experience IMHO.

    1. Nice to have your support and encouragement Steve.

  2. Lovely looking plausible volunteer unit!
    Best Iain

  3. Very nice David...
    And a very plausible uniform and standard...
    And to be honest, compared to some of the actual volunteer ‘ costumes’ you have been rather restrained...
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks for your support Aly, I thought subdued colours suited the figures I had best. The yellow sets them off I hope.

  4. Here they are...C'est magnifique David!

  5. Great name David and why not.Like I said I know very little about the war but did enjoy listening to my guide when I went to the White House bemoaning the British burning of their building. Well done.

    1. Never made the tour sadly, so I'm jealous!

  6. Great looking uniform; if it isn't fully "real", it should have been! :-)

    1. Thanks Gonsalvo, can't argue with that myself.
