Sunday 1 December 2019

From deepest, darkest Brummagem.

I've been to the nether ends of Birmingham today, where never have I set foot afore, all in aid of visiting Wargamer, the last show of 2019. It was held in a new location, King Edward Sheldon Heath Academy, in Sheldon. Not the most convenient location from GHQ but much better for the visitor I thought. I took a few pictures of the games (see below), chatted with several friends and a former work colleague, and spent the princely sum of £8, including Senior admission and a coffee. I enjoyed the visit, a good end to the campaigning year before hunkering down in Winter Quarters. Anyway, pictures of the games, excepting the couple of fantasy ones not to my taste. No idea which group is which game on the whole, so just enjoy the spectacle that was on offer ~

The show programme says it will be held once again in 2020 and,DV, I hope to be there. Now though it's back to painting more War of 1812 figures in the form of the Canadian Volunteers.


  1. Whisked away to Norfolk so couldn't make it this year ;~) Always used to see some nice games, pleased to see this is still the case. Your lack of spending is worthy of me.

    1. Whisked away? No, you are just a part-timer😉 As to spending, I took my cue from you as you say.

  2. Never heard of this show before, but some nice games on show, so thanks for sharing.

    1. It's been terribly under promoted down the years but it's always had decent games making it worth a visit as it's localish. Not one I'd travel far for though trade wise, though I almost bought a new period starter force from Colonel Bill, until common sense kicked in.

  3. Splendid tables David, great looking event!

    1. The games are always decent at worst, with many bordering on splendid.

  4. Some nice games there, I was tempted to scoot over to Stockton but the way the memsahib said "go if you want" translated to "you are coming with me today come what may".

    1. You are under the thumb it seems😉 You should have gone, and damn the consequences in the best naval tradition!

  5. Nice looking collection of games, remarkable restraint!
    Best Iain

    1. Yes, the restraint was odd for me I confess.
