Wednesday 5 December 2018

Continental Light Dragoons

The 3rd Light Dragoons to be precise. Added to my AWI expansion project over the last week or so of disrupted hobby activity. These are the Perry sculpted Foundry figures, a part of my lost and replaced mail order from late October time. I really like the figures I have to say, they are nicely animated and paint up really easily. Oh, and they were not covered in endless fine vent runs! Unlike some I have bought of late from their own company. You may guess by now this is one of my pet hobby hates. Here they are, ready to join the fray ~

I recently took advantage of Foundry’s 'Buy 16 Get 6 Free' Christmas Sale to buy, amongst more SYW figures, two more British infantry units. They will go into the Lead Pimple for next year sometime. Meanwhile, back to the ACW with a unit of Dixon Miniatures Union Infantry, the 20th Massachusetts with Flags by Redoubt Enterprises...


  1. Very prurdy. I bet you can see where the cross belts end and turnbacks begin too.

    1. Thanks Phil. Took me a minute to work that out, but Yes you can!

  2. Not bad Mr.B. Keep at it .. no slacking in the ranks!

    1. No time for slacking sadly! But, four of the 20th Mass are finished and 4 more underway!

  3. Very nice David...
    White uniforms sky blue facings... can’t go wrong really.

    All the best. Aly

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks George. A good deal, but not as good as I used to get sadly.

  5. The figures, painting and uniforms are beautiful match.

  6. Nice work David.....16 plus 6 is a bit scary 😱

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Matt. Not really scary I think myself, just a bit of painting after all. How are the tiny chaps working out?

  7. Lovely cavalry unit,I just cleaned up a load of old glory cavalry and looked back fondly on the Perry figures I'd been cleaning up before!
    Best Iain

    1. I loathe cleaning up figures myself, Perrys are far and away the worst. These chaps are Foundry though so not too bad.

  8. Replies
    1. Many thanks for your kind words Christopher.
