Wednesday 28 November 2018

Happy Blogversary!

Well, who would have thought I could keep up these aimless rambles for seven years? Not me, that’s for sure! But, notwithstanding all that, here we are seven years down the line... I wonder how much time I’ve spent on this and related activity that might have been used differently? Well, I guess I can’t know that and it would only depress me more if I knew anyway. I’ll keep going while I think there’s some point to it, for myself or for visitors, but I do wonder sometimes if it has any real validity as an exercise. As ever, views are always welcome...
Meanwhile, a few favourite pictures from past years might be a good way to cut off pointless rambling ~

Or not, as the case may be...


  1. Congratulations. Here's to the next seven!

  2. Congratulations David...
    There is nothing pointless about your ‘ramblings’
    Here’s to the next seven years.

    All the best. Aly

  3. Well done David, and a point I have often thought about.
    To look on the downside the point is to prove one still exists, but to look on a more positive side it shows the wargaming world what you are about and what you are achieving.I like the latter viewpoint.
    Following other peoples blogs is a wonderful way to be inspired and to discover new ideas and wargaming items, a bit like attending wargaming shows but a more regular fix of inspiration and the like.
    So keep up the good work and blog away.

  4. Congratulations. My blog is like my Post Office, when I am done I’ll close it, although it is likely to last longer.

  5. Anything one does that brings pleasure to others or ones self is never pointless, there is plenty of stuff out there that does the opposite, let's not let that outnumber the former, KBO old chap.

  6. Congratulations !
    Th anniversary of Our was somes days ago... so We know this a great day for you !
    Long live to your tales !

  7. Congratulations! Well I find it entertaining and interesting anyway!
    Best Iain

  8. Congrats, always a pleasure!

  9. Congratulations on the milestone, David! Wishing you many more successful years!

  10. Never pointless David. You are to the point and generous with your ideas. Without giants such as yourself upon whose shoulders would the rest of us stand?
    On those frequent occasions in far flung countries where I have not been able to play a game for months it has been good to sit down and enjoy a well presented game report with good pictures and excellent troops and scenery, or to follow your thinking in the development of one of your projects. Here's to the next 7.

  11. Your 7 years have probably been more inspiring to others than you give yourself credit for.

  12. Joining in the celebration happy blogday, I do think the community of wargamers that blogging has created is indeed a valuable community. Sharing our inspiration, ideas and thoughts. For most of us our dear wives simply don’t understand how important those little decisions we all make are! keep blogging it keeps you young 😀

  13. Congrats on the anniversary! Always look forward to reading your posts :)

  14. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your hobbying with us.

  15. Many thanks to all who have posted, tried to post or just visited. I really had no idea folk would be so kind. I never thought my hobby doings were of much interest beyond my regular and occasional opponents, but it seems I was mistaken. I shall do my best to keep blogging as long as I have anything to show or say. Been a humbling experience this post.
