Tuesday 26 June 2018

Too late to save PMaxImp...

...but a stone thrower has been added to the Late Roman armies. The machine itself was part of a generous gift from long time chum and master modeller Ian Bottrill. I think it is from Gripping Beast but I can’t be sure. The crew were three odd figures in my ‘come in for’ boxes, Foundry Late Romans, so they fit right in with the rest of my collection.

I removed the sword from one figure and lowered the arm slightly with gentle bending. Some brass rod fitted the other hand to stand in for the operating lever. The second figure needed no alteration, just the addition of the brass rod lever. The third figure needed no adjustments at all. Nothing to it really, but a nice addition to the collection for the next game, later this year no doubt.
On the painting desk now are four Mutton Chop 1938-40 British figures, two officers and a two man Boys AT Rifle team. Alongside them are two Trent Miniatures Artificiers. I’m also rebasing the Foundry SYW dismounted French Hussars and Dragoons along with their British dismounted Dragoon opponents. Time though now to sort out the table layout in GHQ for the Wargames Illustrated photoshoot.


  1. Lovely looking onager, your Foundry figures work really well with it, nice range of colours.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I was pleased with how it turned out!

  2. Nice addition I think I have a similar model prep somewhere😀

    1. I think almost every wargamer might say that at sometime, don't you?

  3. A jolly fine composition there Mr. B.

  4. Nicely done David...
    It works well on the ‘rounded’ base.

    All the best. Aly
