Saturday 30 June 2018

Odds & Sods To End The Month

As another month draws to a close and the year is already half way done I find I have just a few odd figures finished which I’ve not shared with anyone as yet. So, first off four Mutton Chop 1938-40 British Infantry, mainly for my VBCW games but also for deployment in our ongoing Blandings/Operation Zeelowe Games. Two officers first, then an Anti -Tank Rifle team of two men ~

Next, the Partizan free figure from the May show, even though I didn’t attend due to the recovery phase of my hip replacement operation Lawrence kindly sent me the figure. Here he is, Captain Bicclesworth RFC ~

Next, two Labourers from Trent Miniatures British Artificiers set ~
Finally two old sets of figures rebased along with other ephemeral pats of my SYW collections: French infantry in camp and British Infantry drinking and whoring. Both sets are from Wargames Foundry, though the French vignette sees the addition of an Irregular Miniatures roasting spit and fire and a seated figure from another civilian set, the British set has the camp fire added from the French set as I used the table elsewhere~
I've started work now on my Warlord/ ProGloria Landsknecht pike block, the first figures I bought for our Italian Wars project as it happens! I have already finished the mounted Command figure and started the two standard bearers, so I hope to have something to show in mid July. On Sunday I hope to go to Penkridge Table Top Sale, so I may add to the Lead Pimple! If not then, then perhaps at Barrage in Stafford the following Sunday?


  1. Lot's of useful bits and bobs, all nicely done,it does seem like the French are saying"Thus come the English"in relation to the image below!
    Best Iain

  2. I really like the camp scenes.

    1. Thanks Colin. I really like the Foundry SYW figures, very C18th.

  3. You can't beat a bit of bit and bobbing and jolly fine they are too.

  4. Some more nice bits to grace your battlefields 😀

  5. Very nice...
    The kind of butterfly painting that I enjoy 😁

    All the best. Aly

    1. I can not deny it’s fun flitting about...
