Thursday 4 January 2018

Somewhere in Normandy ~ WWII 20mm with Rapid Fire2

On Wednesday evening Jon and I fought our first monthly game of 2018 here in GHQ. I’d selected a WWII game using my 20mm collection and Rapid Fire2 rules, our rules of choice for our 20mm games here in GHQ (other rules are available I'm told!) I’ve been mounting my figures singly ever since I started the collection, but I’m finally sick and tired of the time it takes to sort out a game and have begun sticking the figures on movement trays! I ran out of trays before I ran out of figures though, just before anyone notices in the few pictures I took!
Jon commanded Kampfgruppe Weissman and I commanded the British forces. The Germans are staging a counter attack 'somewhere in Normandy', their objective is one of two farms. They start 12” in From their baseline and move first, while the British move from their baseline. The German Force is two battalions of regular infantry, supported by a tank company of three Panzer IVs and a company of  two Stugs. The British have also two battalions of regular infantry and a MG battalion, supported by a company of Churchills and another of Stuarts. They may also try to call in Artillery strikes and possibly air support from a roving Typhoon.
As it turned out the game was very close right to the end. The British occupied one farm and the Germans the other fairly early on. While the British clung on to theirs, the Germans were removed twice by artillery strikes. Tanks on both sides brewed up; the Germans mounted a daring sortee to capture the British held town, only to be beaten off; a Piat took out the Stug at the death and the Germans, or rather Jon, graciously conceded the game after 10 turns. The Typhoon? It hit nothing in four turns!
I've included a few pictures finally to give a sense of the game ~
Oerview from the British table edge at the end of Turn 3
From the German table edge
German infantry support the Stug's attack on the ruined farm
A battery of 25lbers keep the German's heads down
British infantry advance from the captured farm to flank the
enemy attacking the other farm
One of the four failed passes bythe Typhoon!
The German attack has failed and troops withdraw under fire

Next up in GHQ will be a 1914 game using Black Powder rules with our ongoing set of amendments. Pop back next week to see more.


  1. Very nice David...

    I really like what you have done with the towns and villages.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you Aly, but I confess the buildings were done for me by Colin & Sue Romford.

  2. A “nice” looking set to there old chap.

    1. We will be fighting over it in 1914 on Monday.

  3. This table is just awesome, xhat a pleasure it must be to play on it!

    1. Thanks for those kind sentiments Phil.

  4. Great looking game David....we haven’t seen your WW2 collection for a while. Love the buildings and lots of trucks...I need more trucks ! šŸ˜€

    1. Thank you Matt. I sold a good deal of stuff off in the last year or so, it’s about right for our games now.

  5. Quality setup Dave. I havent dabbled in WW2 since I sold my Italians and Eighth Army units.I used the original Flames of War rules and honestly found them, boring. Still your game looked more interesting, well done.

    1. Thanks for the kind comment Robbie. I have some Flames of War unpainted, mainly because Matt designed the figures.

  6. A real lovely looking game David!


    1. Thanks very much for that Christopher.

  7. Lovely looking game, nice to have the typhoon for decoration!
    Best Iain

    1. ‘Decoration’ sums its usefulness up nicely!

  8. I sometimes regret that I did not go 20mm rather than 28mm for WWII. Still no games here in the far north.

    1. Not too late to start you know. Games next week though I see on your blog, so chin up!
