Monday 1 January 2018

Something new for the New Year...

...I know I said I wouldn’t be starting any new Wargames projects, especially as I usually paint both sides for games in GHQ, so you are fully entitled to call me out on this unexpected development. Towards the end of 2017 Phil and I were discussing aspects of our hobby and came to the decision to start a small joint project in 2018. We’ve decided on the Italian Wars of the late C15th, with Phil collecting figures for the city state of Florence and your truly the army of Pope Alexander VI, a Borgia Pope of course. What triggered this all off was discussing armies we had sold on back in the day. One such was my Papal Army from the days when we played WRG’s Renaissance rules at the Alumwell Wargames Society. My army was 15mm Mikes Models and the most memorable unit a large crossbow unit painted pink! I wonder if they are still in action anywhere?
Anyway, moving on, here is a base of command figures Phil gave me for a test piece. They are from Foundry’s Casting Room Miniatures range I believe. Phil had painted one figure and I have painted the other three. I’m sure you will be able to tell which are which! A couple of views ~

I’m not at all sure at this stage how the project will progress, but I will keep blogging any progress I make. I’ve bought a Papal Starter Army and several figure packs from TAG, some clerics and pavise from Perry Miniatures and some Landsknechts from Warlord. Oh and a ‘big’ Empire gun and crew by Games Workshop which I bought from a trader at Wargamer last month. All of these have been cleaned up but none are undercoated as of yet, one reason being that we’ve no bases for them. We shall be having the MDF bases made for us by Warbases, once we can agree on the sizes we want for the look of our units and games! That will mean at some stage setting out figures on card of various sizes and configurations until we are happy with the overall effect. In the meantime I do have a few other figures I can be getting on with painting...


  1. David,
    If you continue with this project, check out Pete's Flags for the Borgia standards. Pete made me a brilliant series of flags for Ceseare's army and household troops.He does them in 28mm and 15mm.

    1. Thanks Robbie, already have three sets of flags from Pete, bought all I wanted to start project last month. Figs all ready for undercoating next dry day.

  2. Yeah I can count the number of times I said no new projects and the very first thing I would do is start a new project so I wouldn't dare call you out!

    I have Italian Wars figures in boxes, but as of yet haven't pulled the trigger. I can see why you started the period again as it so many aspects to draw a hobbyist in with beautiful color, different arms and introduction of new weapons makes it a fascinating spectacle on the tabletop and interesting to paint. However it is a difficult period to tackle with all the different colors involved and is what holds me back.

    Good luck with the project and I'll enjoy watching your progress!

    BTW great looking command stand!


    1. Hope to paint my first figures later this month.

  3. Now that is really weird as I just bought a load of early Italian Wars figures of eBay to organise into a Venetian Army, probably to fight my Turks. As I bought them on eBay I guess they really ough to be a PayPal army but no...... 😉 Having sold my ACW armies I thought I’d need so,etching to fill the gaps under the table.

    1. You have gaps under your table? I’m speechless!

  4. A cool start to a interesting new project.

  5. Nice one David...
    Looking forward to seeing where this goes...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Slowly I expect Aly, but I shall do my best.

  6. Another of my never quite got there periods, looking forward to the project.

    1. You will need plenty of patience following my progress on this I’m afraid George.

  7. Replies
    1. Now we both know you don't do slowly, you will be waiting impatiently for me to finish by Easter ;~)

    2. I started one figure this morning, so you are still ahead.

  8. Great period,nice and colourful I keep thinking I've got enough and then paint more of them!
    Best Iain

    1. “Enough” ~ a concept unknown to most wargamers I’ve found down the years!
