Friday 1 September 2017

Ayo Ghurkali...

...and some other bits and bobs. As my loyal reader must know, not a lot has been possible in wargames terms these past couple of weeks, due first to Sue's injury and its aftermath and then to the 'Great Flood'! Things are on a more even keel with Sue now, apart from a bruised foot making walking a trial, and the leak seems to have been sorted, though I'm not mad keen on the multiple ceiling holes! I have however managed some painting in the odd moment and finally have enough to warrant a blog entry, so here are my Warlord Games Ghurkas firstly for our Bolt Action Burma 1943 games ~

Secondly, for my Wars of the French Revolution project, the Eureka Miniatures French Vivanderie set, painted for me by Phil ~

And lastly, a very kind gift from long time friend and modeler Ian Bottrill, two baggage elements for my Late Roman army. The wagon, oxen and figures are from Foundry, not sure about the laden mule though  ~

As the new month opens I hope for better fortune in my daily life and far fewer traumas like the old month! I've actually started some figures today, four Footloose British Militia for my VBCW games, together with the Partizan Free figure which Laurence kindly gave Phil for me. We'll see how we go with these and hopefully improve on August's tota lof 34 figures finished!


  1. As usual very nice, I like the Late Roman stuff. I do hope things get better and bad times are behind you.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes George, much appreciated.

  2. Great looking work all around, David. The Ghurkas brandishing their kukris are particularly impressive.

  3. Gentle back into the saddle. Good things are on the mend 😀

    1. Going slowly until I'm sure all is well again.

  4. Impressive and beautiful Ghurkas, well done...and I must admitt that this vivanderie's set is beautiful and colored!

    1. Thanks Phil! I did enjoy painting the Ghurkas in the end.

  5. These wiry little chaps should even things up a tad ;~)

    1. That's true. I also have the promise of a few Sikhs and some Aussies from Ian in due course. See you tomorrow for our game.

  6. Nice gurkhas and always good to have transport, glad to hear things are on the mend.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, the Ghurkas seem to have been well received here and on Facebook!
