Monday 21 August 2017

Black cats, broken mirrors and gypsy curses...

I should be on holiday with my daughter, son in law and three of our grandchildren. I'm not. I'm still at home having waited most of the day for the Homeserve emergency plumber! He'll be here between 12.00 and 6.00 pm they said! Not my idea of an emergency service! As if a soaked dinning room table and ceiling weren't enough, we've only just recovered from greater trauma last week! I found Sue collapsed on the bathroom floor, unconscious and blood everywhere! Cue 999, ambulance, paramedics and off we go to A & E at New Cross. Several hours later, some tests, an examination and subsequent rehydration and we are on our way home at 4.30 a.m. She had passed out due to fluid loss it seems and hit her head on shower screen as she fell. A chipped tooth, lots of bruising but otherwise she'll live! My was I relieved to say the least. So you see, a blasted leak now is just another issue! No wonder the dice gods have deserted me...
Before all this I did manage to finish my new Dixon Miniatures Confederate cavalry unit and yet another command base for the cavalry. I planned to finish off my Warlord Games Gurkhas but that's rather slipped by at the moment. Onward, if not upward at the moment!

Obviously there is no possibility of gaming, either here in GHQ or over at Phil's, this week. I didn't make it to Partizan either on Sunday, not that I had expected to be able to go being on holiday. I would have liked to see Matt and the other Bodkins pick up the award for 'Best in Show' but have had to content myself in seeing other folks' photos of the game. Lots to do now dealing with the aftermath of the lesser flood, though thankfully no ark is necessary or I'd send for Phil!


  1. Best of luck mate. I'd wish I could send you a bottle of "Luck, 100% pure" but it is damned short supply here atm as well.

  2. I am sorry to hear of your troubles Dave.
    It's good that Sue is ok , I wouldn't worry overly about a little leak...
    I have found that the water stains on the ceiling add character to the room... ;-)
    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks Aly, all in hand now and Sue on the mend.

  3. I don't recall you killing a robin either, a red cross parcel of sorts will be heading your way tomorrow, but you will have to wait until next week for Lucettes attentions ;~)

    1. Ta Phil. Does it have cake?

    2. Sadly I now know there was no cake in the parcel...

    3. Never mind, Lucette does wonders with whipped cream :~)

    4. Surely you meant wet celery?

  4. Replies
    1. Sue is healing well Colin. All else seems in hand.

  5. With all that on I'm not surprised the gurkhas slipped! Sounds like a pretty good result considering how you arrived at A&E take care.
    Best Iain

  6. Just caught up with this, glad the missus is OK and good luck with 'emergency' plumber, been there.

    1. Thanks George. Not much hobby mojo at present.

  7. Your luck will change. The Good Lord looked after your wife and the injuries she suffered will heal quickly. Best wishes for better days.

  8. Sorry to hear your home challenges David hope things settle soon, nice to see another rebel cavalry unit ready to go ...take care 🙂

    1. Thanks Matt. It seems source of the leak is now located and remedial work is underway, though there is a drying out period now before it can be finished cosmetically. I've painted four Ghurkas so things must be settling down.
