Monday 26 June 2017

Reaching the half way point

It was too hot to paint for a while back there, but I did my best over those few very warm days! The second part of the Eureka 'Field Bakery' set is finished, as are the three Perry Miniatures 'British High Command', from their new Egypt 1801 range, which will do service in my Wars of the French Revolution project. Also the first of my additions to the Burma 1943 game in the shape of Warlord's Ghurka figures, small chaps, mostly with big choppers! The less said about the casting of my F&IW French Militia and Indians from Redoubt though the better! The final addition, two Lledo Croseleys which Phil painted for me to give some transport options in the VBCW or Rhanzlistan games ~

As we reach the end of June, and so of the first half of the year, I can look back on what's been going on in GHQ and in my wider hobby as well as forward to what is for me a new venture. More of that
later in the post though. For now, a brief recap on the past few months of 2017 seems the order of the day. Since deciding at the turn of the year not to start any new projects painting has been a liberating experience, focusing as it has on painting what and when I liked. It's all been 28mm stuff of course, but a real variety has trooped across my painting desk. In total I've managed to complete 337figures and items of equipment. In game terms I've played 30 games, winning 16 and loosing 11 altogether, continuing my form of being average! When it comes to Wargames Shows I've been to two Table Top sales in Penkridge and attended several wargames shows in WMMS, ROBIN, Partizan, and Carronade, a reduction on previous years I think. Of those I shan't be bothering with ROBIN again.
On Wednesday I shall be off to WI HQ in Nottingham for two days of FRW gaming with Colin Ashton of 'Carryings On Up The Dale' fame. We are combining our collections to stage a game set in Flanders 1799 pitting the French, under that underwhelming commander General de Bykli, against the Anglo-Russians under steely eye of The Duke of Durham! Hopefully you can read about the venture in a future issue of the magazine, with pictures by Dan of course! Well, I could ramble on but I think I will keep my powder dry until after the game. Off to finish that Warlord Blacker Bombard and crew for next Monday's Blandings/Zeelowe game here in GHQ. Toodle Pip!


  1. They are so bloody good. Well done.

    1. Thank you Irqan, they will do I think.

  2. A very productive half year Mr.B, I like the bakery, games need more stuff like that.

    1. As I said earlier today after the game the muse comes and goes now a days but I still enjoy what I can do. Eureka had a nice butcher set as well, but it's gone off their Oz site.

    2. I have the butcher set but not started it yet.

    3. I am jealous. Officially!

  3. Very nice work David! Happy to see somebody is getting something done.


    1. Thanks Christopher, the muse needs encouragement at present!

  4. A busy time indeed. Interested to see the bombard at work, mine is in the packet until I can finish some Roman artillery ! I have found the occasional redoubt figures a bit ropey !

    1. Just some base texture to finish and it can be grassed and tufted!

  5. A productive six months by anyones reckoning. Roll on Thursday! (and if its warm it really will be roll on Thursday)

    1. Roll on Thursday indeed! I shall polish my dice especially!

  6. Charming bakery set, very nicely done.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, it turned out well I think.

  7. It really sets the scene using all those little bits and pieces and some excellent little vignettes there as well.

    1. Bits and bobs set the scene, I agree. Also more fun to paint than more French infantry...
