Thursday 29 June 2017

Geriatric Road Trip {Part 1} ~ with apologies to Colin!

I'm off back to Wargames Illustrated HQ a little later this morning, where Colin & I are fighting a large Wars of the French Revolution game set in Flanders of 1799, pitting an Anglo-Russian force under Colin's command against the Revolutionary French army commanded by General de Bhykli, a well known military incompetent if ever there was one! Here are a few pictures taken after we set the game up yesterday ~


  1. I think having some insight into the background of how it all came together will make the article all the more interesting. Nice table.

    1. Thanks Norm, Colin and I will try not to disappoint.

  2. It looked great and was and excellent game today and a surprise Allied victory......well it was for me at any rate!😊

    1. A great day all round! Safe journey home tomorrow.

  3. En Avant, Mes Braves! Oh, Fuyez mes braves, then. :~)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Christopher, from both of us.

  5. Just back from a holiday I have some reading to do.
    Great to see th French Revoltion played again. Love those and planning to do a FR game at Crisis this year although I won't manage this amount of figures. Great looking as always. Of course it must be Northern Holland 1799 instead of Flanders but thats not a great deal.
