Wednesday 26 September 2012

Sir Marmaduke Robinson & Rupert's Blew Coats

I managed to finish up the last three figures to complete Rupert's Blew Coats for my ECW Royalist army today. The first picture shows the pike block, three ranks of five figures, and the two sleeves
of shot, two ranks of four figures.
The second picture shows the whole unit, including the non combatant 'Command' stand and the 'Spent Base' marker.
The third picture shows the character figure for Phil in the Royalist army, Sir Marmaduke Robinson, later 1st Baron Rawnsley.
But, all this is trivia set besides today's wonderful news: Sue and I became Grandparents for the first time when Arthur Benjamin Howard Bickley arrived, Matt and Sarah's first child. To say I'm chuffed would be an understatement!




1 comment:

  1. Great looking figures and congrats on the new mini!

